Dr Onaedo Ilozumba

Onaedo Ilozumba

Department of Applied Health Sciences
Qualitative Research Fellow

Contact details

Murray Learning Centre
University of Birmingham
B15 2TT

Dr. Ilozumba is a Qualitative Research Fellow

She is a public health researcher, behavioural scientist and educator. Her research interests centre on improving the health of individuals and communities, particularly in resource limited contexts and for marginalized and minority populations.

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  • PhD in Global Health, Vrije University and University of Barcelona, 2018
  • MPH in Public Health, Emory University, 2011
  • BS in Psychology, Georgia Southern University, 2008


Dr. Ilozumba began her career as a project co-ordinator at the Rollins School of Public Health, Emory University, Atlanta. While in this role, she worked on a range of public health research projects on topics such as, mindfulness and online support groups for people living with epilepsy, smoking in university students and cancer prevention programs.

Dr. Ilozumba continued her research career with an Erasmus Mundus Doctoral fellowship at the Vrije Universitiet (VU) Amsterdam, University of Barcelona, Spain and the Institute of Tropical Medicine Antwerp, Belgium. During her PhD she conducted evaluations of maternal mobile health interventions in rural India and Uganda.

Following her PhD, she worked as a researcher and lecturer at the VU. In this position, she coordinated and delivered lectures in the bachelor and master’s public health programs as well supervised master’s thesis. She also co-developed and piloted an interactive voice record system (IVR) aimed at improving cancer knowledge and awareness in Uganda.

Dr. Ilozumba joined the University of Birmingham as a Qualitative Research Fellow in 2021. She is funded by the NIHR in the UK through the Research and Innovation for Global Health Transformation (RIGHT) call. She works across the three project countries - Nigeria, Nepal and India. The overall project aim is to improve self-care in the community for leprosy patients who are at risk of recurrent ulceration and further disfigurement and disability and to better understand the needs of Buruli ulcer patients and the barriers to meeting those needs. The research programme also includes a clinical trial of a promising yet inexpensive tissue regenerative treatment for healing of ulcers.


Other activities

Supervisor and Examiner – Royal Tropical Institute, Amsterdam