Participate in the study

We are looking to recruit individuals that must meet the following criteria:

  • Male or female at least 16 years of age 
  • Chronic SCI (at least 1-year post-injury)
  • Motor-complete SCI (American Spinal Injury Association Impairment Scale Grade A or B)
  • SCI between C5-T6
  • English speaking
  • Can move arms/hands voluntarily without the need of support

Please see Page 4 of the Participant Information Sheet to read the full eligibility criteria.

To find out about getting involved (or if you would like to be kept informed about similar studies), please compete the form below. 

  • I am interested in finding out more about the STIMEX-SCI Project
  • Name
  • Gender
  • Can you confirm you have been living with your spinal cord injury for over 1 year?
  • Can you confirm your spinal cord injury is motor-complete?
  • Are you will to travel to the University of Birmingham for all assessments?

Contact the team for more information:

Dr Tom Nightingale:, office line: 0121 414 6977

Mr Dan Hodgkiss: