Zhirnov, A. and Antonucci, L. (first co-author), Thomeczek, P., Horvath, L., D’Ippoliti, C, Ospina, C., Krouwel, A. and Kersting, N. (2023) “Precarity and populism: Explaining populist outlook and populist voting in Europe through subjective financial and work-related insecurity”, European Sociological Review, https://doi.org/10.1093/esr/jcad052
Antonucci, L., D’Ippoliti, C., Horvath, L. and Krouwel, A. (2021) “What’s work got to do with it? How radical and mainstream party support is linked to feelings of precarity”, Sociological Research Online, 28 (1).
Antonucci, L. and Varriale, S. (2020) “Unequal Europe, unequal Brexit: How intra-European inequalities shape the unfolding and framing of Brexit”, Current Sociology, 68 (1): 41-59.
Antonucci, L. (2018) “Not all experiences of precarious work lead to precarity: the case of young people at university and their welfare mixes”, Journal of Youth Studies, 21 (7): 888-904.
Antonucci, L., Horvath, L., Kutyski, Y. and Krouwel, A. (2017) “The malaise of the squeezed middle: Challenging the narrative of the left behind Brexiter”, Competition & Change, 21 (3): 211-229.
Antonucci, L. (2016) Student Lives in Crisis. Deepening inequality in times of austerity, Bristol: Policy Press/Chicago University Press.
Antonucci, L., Hamilton, M. and Roberts, S. (eds.) (2014) Young People and Social Policy in Europe: Dealing with risk, inequality and precarity in times of crisis, Work and Welfare series, Basingstoke: Palgrave.
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