
On 14 June 2022 we held a networking event to bring together people from universities, the voluntary sector and people with lived experience of social care to:

  • share the findings of the project
  • to meet and network with each other
  • to explore whether a participatory research network might be helpful and what the barriers and facilitators are

Laura Brodrick from Think Big Picture drew the event as it happened:

An infographic capturing the event as it happened with text in speech bubbles and key messages outlined

We ran another networking event on 17 May 2023 that brought together people from VCSEs and universities to share their interests and priorities for research/co-production activity and establish opportunities for collaboration.

This was followed by an invitation to submit a bid to be one of the collaborative partnerships supported through the Research Better Together project.

The five successful collaborations are now receiving a package of training, mentorship and ‘seed-corn funding’ to develop their participatory research idea or co-production activity. 

Further information.