Danielle Roe

(She / her / hers)

TRANScend; Gender Diversity and Online LGBTQ+ Homonormativity 

Supervisors: Dr Jason Schaub and Professor Paul Montgomery

Danielle Roe

This research aims explore how non-binary, transgender and genderqueer people form, express and understand their gender identity in online spaces under heteronormative constraints within the overarching lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer (LGBTQ+) community.

A metasynthesis of literature forms the justification for this research in which qualitative interviews allow participant voices to be authentically captured and analysed using thematic analysis.

The goal of this study is to better understand how gender diverse people navigate normative online environments to aid in improving future online interactions as we move toward an increasingly digital future.    

Contact details

If you have a project you would like to discuss and collaborate on, please reach out by email dxr986@student.bham.ac.uk or on Twitter @DJROE95.

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Danielle’s research focuses on LGBTQ+ communities, identity formation, gender policing and resilience in both offline and online environments. Building upon home and international research experience and connections, Danielle secured funding as part of the International Partnership for Queer Youth Resilience from The Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) to investigate autistic genderqueer youth experiences using photo elicitation methods for the AutOnoME study.

Additionally, alongside supervising both undergraduate and postgraduate dissertation projects Danielle also teaches at multiple U.K. universities across a wide range of subjects.


  • Distinction Master of Research in Social Research, University of Derby
  • 1st Class BA (Hons) Event Management, University of Derby

Research Interests

  • Gender and Sexuality 
  • LGBTQ+
  • Identity
  • Digital Environments
  • Gender Diversity
  • Intersectionality

Teaching Responsibilities

  • University of Birmingham ‘Associate Lecturer’ – School of Social Work
  • University of Roehampton ‘Visiting Lecturer’ – Department of Psychology
  • University of Greenwich ‘Guest Lecturer’ – School of Social Work 

Conference Papers

Roe, D. J. (2021) ‘Queering the Curriculum’, University of Suffolk, seminar series, Online event.

Roe, D. J. (2021) ‘LGBTQ+ compassionate pedagogy and mental health’, University of Greenwich.

Cordoba, S., Enguix Grau, B. and Roe. D. J. (2021) AutOnoME; Photo elicitation exploration of genderqueer and neurodivergent youth. Child Psychology. Universitat Oberta de Catalunya.

Roe, D. J. (2021) ‘LGBTQ+ Inclusion and Diversity’, NACRO Birmingham. Online Presentation. 

Roe, D. J. (2020) “Online LGBTQ+ Intracommunity Discriminatory Behaviours & Beliefs About Non-Binary Gender Identity” 3rd International Social Work & Sexualities Conference: Laws, policies, guidelines and gender-sexuality identities.


Roe, D. J. (2021). Travestis. In A. Goldberg, & G. Beemyn, The sage encyclopedia of trans studies (Vol. 2, pp. 884-885). SAGE Publications, Inc., https://www.doi.org/10.4135/9781544393858.n302   

Talbot, C. V., Talbot, A., Roe, D. J. and Briggs, P. (2020) 'The Management of LGBTQ+ Identities on Social Media: A Student Perspective' New Media & Society DOI: https://doi.org/10.1177/1461444820981009