Mrs Debbie Innes-Turnill

Mrs Debbie Innes-Turnill

Department of Social Work and Social Care

Contact details

School of Social Policy and Society
Muirhead Tower
University of Birmingham
B15 2TT

Debbie Innes-Turnill is a Lecturer in the School of Social Policy and Society. She is a qualified teacher with 25 years’ experience -  including deputy and headship roles, most recently with responsibility for safeguarding. She lectures on the MSc in Advanced Child Protection Studies.

Debbie's research interests are related to child protection practice, leadership, child behaviour as a result of trauma poverty, self-regulation and resilience. She also practices as an independent consultant supporting organisations and individuals with their safeguarding roles and responsibilities.

Feedback and office hours

Debbie works 2 days a week for the University


  • BSc (Hons) Psychology
  • BA (Hons) Business Studies
  • National Professional Qualification for Headship (NPQH)
  • Post Graduate Certificate in Education (PGCE)


Debbie Innes-Turnill has completed the MSc in Advanced Child Protection Studies at the University of Birmingham. She also has a degree in Business Studies and a degree in Psychology. She specialised in Education Leadership and Safeguarding, as well as having led schools as both head and deputy head she also led Leadership Development for the Local Authority sponsored by the National College for School Leadership


Debbie is a lecturer on the MSc in Advanced Child Protection Studies, which is an online, distance learning programme  

The modules she teaches are:

  • Law, Policy, and Interagency Working
  • Risk, Analysis, and Decision Making
  • Help, Support, and Direct Work
  • Organisations, Systems, and Leadership
  • Dissertation