Career opportunities

What do Psychology graduates do?

A significant number of graduates entered 'Psychology track' jobs in areas such as mental health support work and teaching assistant roles as well as assistant psychologists. These new graduates enter their first job to gain the necessary experience to progress onto further study in order to pursue a psychology related profession.

Graduates are also using the transferable skills developed from their degree such as communication, numeracy and critical thinking and opting for a wide range of other careers from retail, recruitment consultancy to finance.

There has been an increase in numbers of graduates going on to further study. The majority of these students are pursuing psychology related courses, which reflect the need to specialise at postgraduate level for entry to applied psychology careers. Some students are undertaking courses to enable them to enter other professions; teaching, for example is a popular choice.

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Examples of employers

  • Birmingham and Solihull Mental Health Foundation
  • St Andrews Healthcare
  • Aquarius
  • Birmingham Healthy Mind
  • Prison Service

Examples of occupations

  • Alcohol Support Worker
  • Forensic Psychologist
  • High Intensity Worker
  • Research Fellow
  • Assistant Psychologist

Examples of further study

  • DClinpsy Clinical Psychology
  • PhD Psychology (Dementia)
  • PhD Neuroscience