
We would like organisations to be able to use these video resources to start conversations about wellbeing and mental health with their peers and employees, however, it’s important to our work and future funding that we can record who is using them and how. Please therefore fill out the form below to be sent a download of each video. Please do talk to us before using the videos as it is important that they precede concrete action in an organisation rather than being shown to people without follow-on work. We are happy to talk with you about this and offer advice. 


Infographic for CJS picStrategies for working with distressing content

There are a number of investigative officers and analytical professionals who work with traumatic experiences of other people as a part of their daily work. Based on our discussions with analysts, investigators and subject experts, we suggest some strategies that, if taken into consideration, could be useful for ensuring the wellbeing of staff.

Strategies for working with distressing content

Impact of exposure to traumatic material
  Version with French Subtitles



How we can support to protect the protectors
  Version with French Subtitles


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