We are currently undertaking a wide range of research projects. Many of the REACH research projects focus on end-of-life care, advanced illness and complex health and social care.
Research in a range of projects within palliative care, end of life trajectories, and bereavement including the following:
- Evaluation of a mobile app to improve symptom assessment for people with multimorbidity in primary care (Dr Ping Guo).
- An umbrella review in inequity in palliative, end of life and bereavement care to develop commissioning, funded by Sue Ryder (Professor Cara Bailey Dr Annie Pettifer).
- Lived experience of people with dementia and their caregivers (Dr Chris Poyner).
- “Improving patients, carers, and primary care healthcare professionals" experiences of discharge communication from specialist palliative care to community settings: a qualitative interview study (Dr Katherine Weetman).
- Midlands Collaborative PEoLC Toolkit development project (Professor Cara Bailey & Muzeyyen Seckin).
- Improving end-of-life decision-making, care and support for patients and their families in intensive care units (ICUs) ELPIS Study (Dr Nikos Efstathiou).
- Identification of frailty to manage emergency admission at End of life (Professor Cara Bailey & Fanny Adistie).
- The experiences of informal carers of hospice care post Covid, funded by a Marie Curie Research Grant (Professor Cara Bailey & Dr Ping Guo).
- A multi-centre double-blind randomised placebo-controlled group-sequential superiority trial to assess the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of oral Corticosteroids in patients witH fibrotic hypeRsensitivity pneUmonitiS (CHORUS) (Professor Anne Marie Russell).
- Creating a natiOnAL CNS pancrEatic cancer network to Standardise and improve CarE (COALESCE) @COALESCE_panc (Professor Annie Topping).
- Nurses Thriving at Work (Universitas 21 project) with Jacobs (Auckland), Ferrer (Chile) Lewis (Queensland) Cavanagh (UC-Davis) (Professor Annie Topping).
- Does ‘real-time’ ultrasound improve medication adherence in the treatment of inflammatory arthritis? A randomized controlled trial (Australia/UK) (Dr Kanta Kumar).
- The South Asian community is aware of the importance of physical activity but not enough action: a UK explorative study (Sports and Exercise) (Dr Kanta Kumar).
- Adventures in Research - The Nursing Research Podcast (Dr Ameila Swift & Bronwyn Tarrant).
- AddRessing the ImpAct of coviD-19 paNdEmic on the access to and experience of mental health care of people from Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic groups (ARIADNE) (NIHR) (Professor Robin Miller).
- Why Are We Stuck In Hospital? Understanding Service User, Family And Staff Perspectives When Transforming Care For People With Learning Disabilities And/or Autism, Co-investigator (Nihr Evaluation, Trials And Studies Coordinating Centre) (Professor Robin Miller).