Jazz Orchestra

University Music: Instrumental Ensemble

Jazz Orchestra is the University’s premier auditioned jazz ensemble, working on diverse repertoire and projects on campus and across the city.

Jazz Orchestra performing


Director: Jonathan Silk

  • Tuesday 7.30 - 9.30pm

Jazz Orchestra is the University’s premier auditioned jazz ensemble, creatively directed by Director of Jazz Studies, Jonathan Silk. It explores contemporary music written for large jazz ensemble, working on theme-based projects over the course of the academic year.

In recent years the ensemble have worked on a variety of challenging musical projects; including interpretations of Kenny Wheeler’s Sweet Time Suite and Jim McNeely’s East Coast Blowout albums at CBSO Centre in Birmingham, a commission of new music by Olivia Murphy, as well as a performance alongside guest artist Iain Ballamy to present a concert of his own tunes arranged by Malcolm Edmonstone in the Elgar Concert Hall.

Previous guest artists have included world-renowned musicians such as Bobby Shrew, Stan Sulzmann, Mark Lockheart, Malcolm MacFarlane, Cherise, and Tom Ford. Jazz Orchestra appear on campus as well as in venues across the city.

  • Student orchestra

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    All of our ensembles require participants to be members of University Music. When joining an ensemble participants will be required to formally complete an application to University Music.

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