Lost in Translation? – From Science to Regulation

Birmingham Law School
Tuesday 19 January 2016 (09:30-18:00)

If you have any questions, please contact Dr Aleksandra Cavoski at a.cavoski@bham.ac.uk.


An SLSA-funded seminar organised by the grant holder Dr Aleksandra Cavoski.

This seminar is concerned with how the EU and national regulators translate scientific research into law and policy. It will also seek to understand to what extent EU and national policy preferences shape decision-making to the detriment of advances in scientific knowledge.

These issues are relevant to a number of different environmental contexts, including chemicals regulation, climate change, nanotechnology, synthetic biology and shale gas/’fracking. The seminar will bring together academics from different disciplines as well as legal practitioners and representatives of governmental bodies.

Confirmed Speakers:

The seminar is free to attend.