Peter Stephenson

Peter Stephenson

Department of History
Doctoral researcher

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PhD title: Rulers of Jerusalem: Kingship, Power and Authority in the 12th Century Latin East
Supervisor: Professor William Purkis and Dr James Doherty
PhD History

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  • BA Ancient History and Classical Archaeology, University of Leicester
  •  MA History, University of Birmingham


I have a lifelong interest in History but came to study late when the opportunity arose to do this alongside a full time career. Initially, I focused on Ancient History before developing a deeper interest in the Medieval period and, in particular, the Crusades and the Crusader states.

Having completed by MA in History at Birmingham I was delighted to have the opportunity to continue my studies and carry out my research here.

In terms of non academic experience I have a long career of management roles in various sectors including financial services, utilities and the music industry.


My research will investigate what the surviving sources can tell us about the attitudes of the authors, their audience and the wider population towards matters of kingship and power and towards individuals in positions of authority in the Latin East during the 12th century.