John Baskerville Book Launch

Lecture Room 3 - First Floor - Arts Building
Wednesday 1 November 2017 (13:30-19:30)
Baskerville News Image

John Baskerville: art and industry of the Enlightenment, edited by Caroline Archer-Parré and Malcolm Dick is the first book to be published on the Birmingham printer for over forty years. To mark the occasion, an event is being held at the University of Birmingham

The publication also places Baskerville within his local, national and global context as a figure of the eighteenth-century Enlightenment.   

The book is the first major publication produced through the joint Centre for Printing History and Culture linking academics, staff and heritage professionals at the University of Birmingham and Birmingham City University.   

To mark the occasion, an event is being held on Wednesday 1st November 2017, from 1.30 pm to 7.30 pm in Lecture Room 3, Arts Building at the University of Birmingham.

If you are wish to attend, please book your tickets here b28 October 2017 at the latest.

Refreshments are generously provided by History West Midlands Ltd.