About the Department of History

The Department of History covers a wide range of British, European and world history from the early medieval period to the present.

Birmingham city centre

Research interests include cultural and social history, political development, economic and religious history, environmental history and imperialism.  Moreover, we work across periods and places including medieval Iceland, early modern and 18th century Britain, Germany, France and India, 20th century United States, Brazil, China and the Baltic states.

Whatever your interest – whether cultural, social, political, economic history, histories of conflict, histories of gender and sexuality – there is someone doing that kind of history in the department.

The biggest advantage of having so many historians at Birmingham is the very wide range of specialist courses on offer at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels. Students are offered choices from around 25 options in their second year and 10-15 special subjects in their third year. Topics range from Tudor society to Women’s History in the 20th century, from the Ottoman Empire to the CIA and International Relations, from the Crusades to the heyday of European empire in the 19th and 20th centuries. 

The Department of History at Birmingham is one of the largest and most diverse in Britain. Its teaching was ranked as excellent in the last official survey and it also has the high official research ranking of "5". If you want to study history at university, the University of Birmingham is a great place to do so.