Recent publications
Kukkola, A, Schneidewind, U, Haverson, L, Kelleher, L, Drummond, JD, Sambrook Smith, G, Lynch, I & Krause, S 2024, 'Snapshot Sampling May Not Be Enough to Obtain Robust Estimates for Riverine Microplastic Loads', ACS ES and T Water, vol. 4, no. 5, pp. 2309-2319.
Yasmin, T, Clark, J, Sambrook-Smith, G, Daham, A, Nicholas, A & Gasparotto, A 2024, 'Towards sustainable governance of freshwater sand: A resource regime approach', Earth System Governance, vol. 22, 100228.
Yadav, A, Boothroyd, R, Sambrook-Smith, G & Sen, S 2023, 'Morphological adjustments of the Yamuna River in the Himalayan foothills in response to natural and anthropogenic stresses', Hydrological Processes, vol. 37, no. 7, e14934.
Kukkola, A, Runkel, RL, Schneidewind, U, Murphy, SF, Kelleher, L, Smith, GS, Nel, HA, Lynch, I & Krause, S 2023, 'Prevailing impacts of river management on microplastic transport in contrasting US streams: rethinking global microplastic flux estimations', Water Research, vol. 240, 120112.
Prokocki, EW, Best, JL, Perillo, MM, Ashworth, PJ, Parsons, DR, Sambrook-Smith, G, Nicholas, AP & Simpson, CJ 2022, 'The morphology of fluvial-tidal dunes: lower Columbia River, OR/WA, USA', Earth Surface Processes and Landforms.
Nel, HA, Chetwynd, AJ, Kelleher, L, Lynch, I, Mansfield, I, Margenat, H, Onoja, S, Goldberg Oppenheimer, P, Sambrook Smith, GH & Krause, S 2021, 'Detection limits are central to improve reporting standards when using Nile red for microplastic quantification', Chemosphere, vol. 263, 127953.
Arias Font, R, Khamis, K, Milner, S, Sambrook-Smith, G & Ledger, M 2021, 'Low flow and heatwaves alter ecosystem functioning in a stream mesocosm experiment', Science of the Total Environment, vol. 777, 146067.
Kazemifar, F, Blois, G, Aybar, M, Perez Calleja, P, Nerenberg, R, Sinha, S, Hardy, RJ, Best, JL, Sambrook-Smith, G & Christensen, KT 2021, 'The effect of biofilms on turbulent flow over permeable beds', Water Resources Research, vol. 57, no. 2, e2019WR026032.
Prokocki, E, Best, J, Ashworth, P, Sambrook-Smith, G, Nicholas, A, Parsons, D & Simpson, C 2020, 'Alluvial architecture of mid‐channel fluvial–tidal barforms: The mesotidal Lower Columbia River, Oregon/Washington, USA', Sedimentology, vol. 67, no. 7, pp. 3533-3566.
Nel, HA, Sambrook Smith, GH, Harmer, R, Sykes, R, Schneidewind, U, Lynch, I & Krause, S 2020, 'Citizen science reveals microplastic hotspots within tidal estuaries and the remote Scilly Islands, United Kingdom', Marine Pollution Bulletin, vol. 161, 111776.
Unsworth, Nicholas, AShworth, Best, Lane, Parsons, , Sambrook-Smith, G, Simpson & Strick 2020, 'Influence of Dunes on Channel-Scale Flow and Sediment Transport in a Sand Bed Braided River', Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface.
Sambrook-Smith, G 2019, 'Quantification of bedform dynamics and bedload sediment flux in sandy braided rivers from airborne and satellite imagery', Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, vol. 44, pp. 953-972.
Daham, A, Sambrook-Smith, G, Clark, J & Yasmin, T 2024, 'Sand mining across the Ganges-Brahmaputra-Meghna catchment; assessment of activity and implications for sediment delivery', Environmental Research Letters.
Review article
Krause, S, Baranov, V, Nel, HA, Drummond, JD, Kukkola, A, Hoellein, T, Sambrook Smith, GH, Lewandowski, J, Bonnet, B, Packman, AI, Sadler, J, Inshyna, V, Allen, S, Allen, D, Simon, L, Mermillod-Blondin, F & Lynch, I 2021, 'Gathering at the top? Environmental controls of microplastic uptake and biomagnification in freshwater food webs', Environmental Pollution, vol. 268, no. Pt A, 115750.
Kukkola, A, Krause, S, Lynch, I, Sambrook Smith, GH & Nel, H 2021, 'Nano and microplastic interactions with freshwater biota - Current knowledge, challenges and future solutions', Environment International, vol. 152, 106504.
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