Dr Sophie Comer-Warner PhD

Dr Sophie Comer-Warner

School of Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences
Assistant Professor and BRIDGE Fellow

Sophie is an aquatic biogeochemist, specialising in carbon and nitrogen cycling and micro- and nanoplastic pollution in large river systems. Sophie is interested in the transport, processing and fate of carbon, nitrogen and plastic pollution with a particular focus on greenhouse gas dynamics. A major research focus is understanding how aquatic biogeochemistry will be affected by future global change with consequences for meeting the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals, improving ecosystem health and protecting/improving ecosystem services for the future.


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  • 2019 – PhD University of Birmingham
  • 2013 – MSc University of Southampton
  • 2010 – MChem University of Sheffield


2023 – Assistant Professor in Aquatic Biogeochemistry and BRIDGE Fellow in freshwater emerging contaminants, University of Birmingham and University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign

2020-2023 – Marie Skłodowska-Curie Global Individual Fellowship, University of Birmingham and McGill University

2019 – Institute of Global Innovation Fellowship, University of Birmingham, Vietnam National University Hanoi, Can Tho University

2018-2019 – PhD Research secondment, United States Geological Survey

2014-2018 – PhD, University of Birmingham and British Geological Survey (Supervisors: Prof. Stefan Krause and Prof. Daren Gooddy)

Postgraduate supervision

Sophie is interested in the transport, processing and fate of carbon, nitrogen and plastic pollution with a particular focus on greenhouse gas dynamics. A major research focus is understanding how aquatic biogeochemistry will be affected by future global change with consequences for meeting the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals, improving ecosystem health and protecting/improving ecosystem services for the future.

If you are interested in exploring opportunities to work with me at Birmingham as a graduate student, postdoc or if you are looking for a research visit or sabbatical, please get in touch.


Sophie is a biogeochemist working across aquatic landscapes, linking a continuum of ecosystems from streams and rivers to coastal wetlands and estuaries. Sophie specialises in carbon and nitrogen cycling and micro- and nanoplastic (MnP) pollution and is interested in the transport, processing and fate of carbon, nitrogen and plastic pollution with a particular focus on greenhouse gas dynamics. Carbon, nitrogen and plastic cycles are closely linked and may influence each other, for example, by providing substrate, affecting greenhouse gas fluxes and increasing microbial activity.

Sophie’s motivation is to understand the major drivers of carbon, nitrogen and MnP dynamics in these systems as they relate to and continue to be affected by global change e.g. land-use, climate, increased pollution. Understanding how aquatic biogeochemistry will be affected by future global change has important consequences for meeting the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals, improving ecosystem health and protecting/improving ecosystem services for the future.

Sophie’s research approach mixes in-situ measurements with manipulation experiments at micro- or mesocosm-scale so that drivers may be better understood through their investigation under controlled laboratory conditions and provide more understanding to what is observed in-situ at ecosystem scale. Through this work Sophie has used isotopic tracers to investigate whether the fate of nitrogen from denitrification in coastal wetlands is primarily as N2O or N2, including how this ratio changes under future global change, to determine whether greenhouse gas or harmless N2 is produced and investigated drivers of greenhouse gas fluxes from rivers and coastal wetlands. 

Sophie is currently working on projects in the UK, US, China and Brazil.


Recent publications


Wu, W, Niu, X, Yan, Z, Li, S, Comer-Warner, SA, Tian, H, Li, S-L, Zou, J, Yu, G & Liu, C-Q 2023, 'Agricultural ditches are hotspots of greenhouse gas emissions controlled by nutrient input', Water Research, vol. 242, 120271. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.watres.2023.120271

Comer-Warner, SA, Ullah, S, Dey, A, Stagg, CL, Elsey-Quirk, T, Swarzenski, CM, Sgouridis, F, Krause, S & Chmura, GL 2023, 'Elevated temperature and nutrients lead to increased N2O emissions from salt marsh soils from cold and warm climates', Biogeochemistry. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10533-023-01104-0

Comer-Warner, SA, Nguyen, ATQ, Nguyen, MN, Wang, M, Turner, A, Le, H, Sgouridis, F, Krause, S, Kettridge, N, Nguyen, N, Hamilton, RL & Ullah, S 2022, 'Restoration impacts on rates of denitrification and greenhouse gas fluxes from tropical coastal wetlands', Science of the Total Environment, vol. 803, 149577. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2021.149577

Comer-warner, SA, Ullah, S, Ampuero Reyes, W, Krause, S & Chmura, GL 2022, 'Spartina alterniflora has the highest methane emissions in a St. Lawrence estuary salt marsh', Environmental Research: Ecology, vol. 1, no. 1, 011003. https://doi.org/10.1088/2752-664X/ac706a

Comer-warner, SA, Blaen, PJ, Brekenfeld, N, Gooddy, DC, Lovell, C, Khamis, K, Bryden, A & Krause, S 2021, 'Advection Not Dispersion and Transient Storage Controls Streambed Nutrient and Greenhouse Gas Concentrations', Frontiers in Water, vol. 3, 668183. https://doi.org/10.3389/frwa.2021.668183

Mackenzie, AR, Krause, S, Hart, KM, Thomas, RM, Blaen, PJ, Hamilton, RL, Curioni, G, Quick, SE, Kourmouli, A, Hannah, DM, Comer‐warner, SA, Brekenfeld, N, Ullah, S & Press, MC 2021, 'BIFoR FACE: water–soil–vegetation–atmosphere data from a temperate deciduous forest catchment, including under elevated CO2', Hydrological Processes, vol. 35, no. 3, e14096. https://doi.org/10.1002/hyp.14096

Khamis, K, Blaen, PJ, Comer-warner, S, Hannah, DM, Mackenzie, AR & Krause, S 2021, 'High-Frequency Monitoring Reveals Multiple Frequencies of Nitrogen and Carbon Mass Balance Dynamics in a Headwater Stream', Frontiers in Water, vol. 3, 668924. https://doi.org/10.3389/frwa.2021.668924

Comer-Warner, SA, Gooddy, DC, Ullah, S, Glover, L, Kettridge, N, Wexler, SK, Kaiser, J & Krause, S 2020, 'Seasonal variability of sediment controls of nitrogen cycling in an agricultural stream', Biogeochemistry, vol. 148, no. 1, pp. 31-48. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10533-020-00644-z

Comer-Warner, SA, Romeijn, P, Gooddy, DC, Ullah, S, Kettridge, N, Marchant, B, Hannah, DM & Krause, S 2019, 'Addendum: Thermal sensitivity of CO2 and CH4 emissions varies with streambed sediment properties', Nature Communications, vol. 10, no. 1, 3093 . https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-019-11185-x

Comer-Warner, SA, Romeijn, P, Gooddy, DC, Ullah, S, Kettridge, N, Marchant, B, Hannah, DM & Krause, S 2019, 'Reply to ‘Pseudoreplication and greenhouse-gas emissions from rivers'', Nature Communications, vol. 10, 5369. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-019-13304-0

Comer-Warner, SA, Gooddy, DC, Ullah, S, Glover, L, Percival, A, Kettridge, N & Krause, S 2019, 'Seasonal variability of sediment controls of carbon cycling in an agricultural stream', Science of the Total Environment, vol. 688, pp. 732-741. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2019.06.317

Lough, AJM, Homoky, WB, Connelly, DP, Comer-Warner, S, Nakamura, K, Abyaneh, MK, Kaulich, B & Mills, RA 2019, 'Soluble iron conservation and colloidal iron dynamics in a hydrothermal plume', Chemical Geology, vol. 511, pp. 225-237. https://doi.org/https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0009254119300014?via%3Dihub

Romeijn, P, Comer-warner, SA, Ullah, S, Hannah, DM & Krause, S 2019, 'Streambed organic matter controls on carbon dioxide and methane emissions from streams', Environmental Science and Technology, vol. 53, no. 5, pp. 2364-2374. https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.est.8b04243

Comer-warner, SA, Romeijn, P, Gooddy, DC, Ullah, S, Kettridge, N, Marchant, B, Hannah, DM & Krause, S 2018, 'Thermal sensitivity of CO2 and CH4 emissions varies with streambed sediment properties', Nature Communications, vol. 9, no. 1, 2803. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-018-04756-x

Review article

Comer-Warner, S, Knapp, JLA, Blaen, P, Klaar, M, Shelley, F, Zarnetske, J, Lee-Cullin, J, Folegot, S, Kurz, M, Lewandowski, J, Harvey, J, Ward, A, Mendoza-Lera, C, Ullah, S, Datry, T, Kettridge, N, Gooddy, D, Drummond, J, Martí, E, Milner, A, Hannah, D & Krause, S 2020, 'The method controls the story - Sampling method impacts on the detection of pore-water nitrogen concentrations in streambeds', Science of the Total Environment, vol. 709, 136075. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2019.136075

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