Dr Simiao Sun BEng, MEng, PhD

Dr Simiao Sun

School of Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences
Associate Professor in Hydrogeology (Groundwater Science)

Contact details

School of Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences
University of Birmingham
B15 2TT

Simiao is a quantitative hydrogeologist who studies the mechanism of LNAPLs (Light Non-Aqueous Phase Liquids) migration and (re)distribution. 

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  • PhD in Earth Science (Contaminant Hydrogeology) – University of Birmingham, UK, 2016
  • MEng in Hydraulic Engineering – Heilongjiang University, China, 2012
  • BEng in Hydraulic Engineering – Heilongjiang University, China, 2009


Simiao teaches the following modules on MSc Hydrogeology

  • Groundwater hydraulics
  • Regional groundwater flow modelling
  • Contaminant transport modelling
  • MSc project supervision

Other activities

Simiao’s administrative role in GEES is International Tutor, focusing on improving the educational experiences for GEES international students, as well as establishing educational and research partnerships with China.


Recent publications


Greene, S, Antell, G, Atterby, J, Bhatia, R, Dunne, E, Giles, S, Groh, S, Hanson, E, Hilton, J, Knight, H, Kraftl, P, Morgan, E, Rhodes, I, Rockey, F, Singh, S, Stevenson, C, Sun, S, Warren, B, Wheeley, J & Yamoah, K 2021 'Safety and belonging in the field: a checklist for educators' EarthArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31223/x53p6h

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