Professor Nick Kettridge BSc PhD

Nick Kettridge

School of Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences
Professor of Ecohydrology
Head of School, Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences

Contact details

School of Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences
University of Birmingham
B15 2TT

Dr Nick Kettridge specializes in characterizing the ecohydrological resilience of ecosystems to both natural and anthropogenic disturbance. Much of his research focuses on peatlands; understanding the processes that control the provision of key ecosystem services within these environments, and quantifying their response to changing climatic conditions and extreme events such as fire and drought.

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2005 – PhD Geography – University of Sheffield

2002 – BSC Geography – University of Sheffield


  • GGM110 Environmental Research Frontiers (Module convener)
  • EVS118 Environmental Science Research Frontiers (Module convener)
  • GGM108 Tutorial and study skills for Geographers
  • GGM216 Research skills and field work.
  • GGM109 Rotterdam field course (Physical Geography Field Lead)
  • GGM308 Wetland Environments (Module convener)
  • GGM506 Environmental Analysis and Modelling
  • GGM301 Geography Dissertations
  • Geography/Geology Dissertations
  • River Environments and their Management dissertations
  • Geography and Environmental Science dissertations
  • Advances in Water Sciences

Postgraduate supervision

Nick Kettridge specialises in characterising the ecohydrological resilience of ecosystems to both natural and anthropogenic disturbance. Much of his research focuses on peatlands; understanding the processes that control the provision of key ecosystem services within these environments, and quantifying their response to changing climatic conditions and extreme events such as fire and drought.

Much of Dr Kettridge’s research focuses on peatlands and aims to understand the processes that control the provision of key ecosystem services within these environments, and quantifying their response to changing climatic conditions and extreme events such as fire and drought.

Dr Kettridge welcomes enquiries from prospective doctoral researchers in his areas of interest.


Dr Nick Kettridge specializes in characterizing the ecohydrological resilience of ecosystems to both natural and anthropogenic disturbance. Much of his research focuses on peatlands; understanding the processes that control the provision of key ecosystem services within these environments, and quantifying their response to changing climatic conditions and extreme events such as fire and drought.


Recent publications


Sabokrouhiyeh, N, van der Velde, Y, Connolly, J & Kettridge, N 2025, 'Peatland resilience and presence under national climate gradients: Implications for peatland restoration strategies', Science of the Total Environment, vol. 966, 178673.

Ivison, K, Little, K, Orpin, A, Lewis, CHM, Dyer, N, Keyzor, L, Everett, L, Stoll, E, Andersen, R, Graham, LJ & Kettridge, N 2024, 'A national-scale sampled temperate fuel moisture database', Scientific Data, vol. 11, 973.

Little, K, Kettridge, N, Belcher, CM, Graham, LJ, Stoof, CR, Ivison, K & Cardil, A 2024, 'Cross-landscape fuel moisture differences impact simulated fire behaviour', International Journal of Wildland Fire, vol. 33, no. 9, WF24019 .

Lewis, CHM, Little, K, Graham, LJ, Kettridge, N & Ivison, K 2024, 'Diurnal fuel moisture content variations of live and dead Calluna vegetation in a temperate peatland', Scientific Reports, vol. 14, no. 1, 4815.

Leader, S, Kettridge, N, Hannah, D, Mendoza, C & Devito, KJ 2024, 'Diverse response of shallow lake water levels to decadal weather patterns in a heterogeneous glacial Boreal Plains landscape', Hydrological Processes, vol. 38, no. 4, e15125.

Marcotte, AL, Limpens, J, Nunes, JP, Howard, BC, Hurley, AG, Khamis, K, Krause, S, Croghan, D, Kourmouli, A, Leader, S, Singh, T, Stoof, CR, Ullah, S & Kettridge, N 2024, 'Enhanced Hydrologic Connectivity and Solute Dynamics Following Wildfire and Drought in a Contaminated Temperate Peatland Catchment', Water Resources Research, vol. 60, no. 7, e2023WR036412.

Rabbai, A, Barba, J, Canducci, M, Hart, KM, MacKenzie, AR, Kettridge, N, Curioni, G, Ullah, S & Krause, S 2024, 'Fertilization-induced greenhouse gas emissions partially offset carbon sequestration during afforestation', Soil Biology and Biochemistry, vol. 199, 109577.

Little, K, Graham, LJ, Flannigan, M, Belcher, CM & Kettridge, N 2024, 'Landscape controls on fuel moisture variability in fire-prone heathland and peatland landscapes', Fire Ecology, vol. 20, no. 1, 14.

Leader, S, Kettridge, N, Hannah, DM, Mendoza, C & Devito, KJ 2024, 'Multi-year climate memory in shallow lake water levels', Journal of Hydrology, vol. 642, 131764.

Nikonovas, T, Santín, C, Belcher, CM, Clay, GD, Kettridge, N, Smith, TEL & Doerr, SH 2024, 'Vegetation phenology as a key driver for fire occurrence in the UK and comparable humid temperate regions', International Journal of Wildland Fire, vol. 33, no. 10, WF23205.

Little, K, Graham, LJ & Kettridge, N 2023, 'Accounting for among-sampler variability improves confidence in fuel moisture content field measurements', International Journal of Wildland Fire, vol. 33, no. 1, WF23078.

Meier, S, Strobl, E, Elliott, RJR & Kettridge, N 2023, 'Cross-country risk quantification of extreme wildfires in Mediterranean Europe', Risk Analysis, vol. 43, no. 9, pp. 1745-1762.

Asuk, SA, Matthews, TJ, Sadler, JP, Pugh, TAM, Ebu, VT, Ifebueme, NM & Kettridge, N 2023, 'Impact of human foraging on tree diversity, composition, and abundance in a tropical rainforest', Biotropica, vol. 55, no. 1, pp. 1-14.

Howard, BC, Baker, I, Kettridge, N, Ullah, S & Krause, S 2023, 'Increasing the scope of the resazurin-resorufin smart tracer system in hydrologic and biogeochemical sciences: the effects of storage duration and temperature on preservation', Limnology and Oceanography: Methods, vol. 20, no. 11, pp. 701-709.

Review article

Arnaud, M, Krause, S, Norby, RJ, Dang, TH, Acil, N, Kettridge, N, Gauci, V & Ullah, S 2023, 'Global mangrove root production, its controls and roles in the blue carbon budget of mangroves', Global Change Biology, vol. 29, no. 12, pp. 3256-3270.

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