Dr Lisa Schnetz PhD

Dr Lisa Schnetz

School of Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences
Research Fellow

Contact details

Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences
University of Birmingham
B15 2TT

Dr Lisa Schnetz is a vertebrate palaeobiologist whose main research interests are on the (macro-)evolution and diversification of Palaeozoic fossil fishes, specifically the cartilaginous fishes including sharks, skates, rays and chimaeras. Her current research uses x-ray imaging (CT scanning) and quantitative methods to unravel the diversity of feeding structures in heterostracans, early armoured jawless fish as part of the Leverhulme funded project ‘Feeding without jaws’.


  • 2022 – PhD, University of Birmingham
  • 2015 – MSc, University of Vienna
  • 2013 – BSc, University of Vienna