Jack Richardson

Jack Richardson

School of Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences
Doctoral Researcher

Contact details

School of Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences
University of Birmingham
B15 2TT

Jack is studying the internal structures of salt flow using anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility (AMS) and how this can be related to the life of mature basins. He has a strong interest in Public Engagement and Science Communications as well as the outdoors.

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  • M.Sci. Geology with Honours, Class I


Jack studied at the University of Birmingham for an MSci in Geology which lead into studying for a PhD at the same institution. During his masters he had internships with the British Geological Survey as well as Atkins Geotechnical. 

Doctoral research

PhD title
Revealing the internal flow of salt structures
Dr Carl Stevenson

Other activities

Jack is involved in outreach and engagement providing workshops to students interested in geology at GCSE stage. He is active in his role on the graduate committee for his CDT. He is a fellow of The Geological Society and has been since 2010.