Outreach and Schools Liaison

Welcome to the Outreach and Schools Liaison section of the Department of Electronic, Electrical and Systems Engineering. We work with the Institution of Engineering Technology, primary schools and secondary schools and colleges to highlight pathways to careers through degrees, the impact of our subject on society and the leading-edge research under way at the University of Birmingham.

We run curriculum-enhancing visits to Schools, demonstrations and workshops on University Open Days and provide resources for teachers. Our objective is to build links with teachers and schools that encourage their pupils towards higher education and successful careers in Engineering.

What do Electronic and Electrical Engineers do?

What kinds of things do Electronic and Electrical Engineers work on? Take a look at the video... you might be surprised!

What do Electronic and Electrical Engineers do?

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Selected events

  • BBC Make It Digital Roadshow
    Nearly 6500 visitors – professionals, students and families alike – swarmed into the Mailbox in Birmingham to take part in the BBC’s Make It Digital Roadshow, the final event of a 13-week UK-wide tour designed to introduce people from all walks of life to the world of computers, coding and future digital tech opportunities.

Information Age - the Science Museum’s new gallery”.
The Department of Electronic, Electrical and Systems Engineering contributed to a new ambitious Science Museum exhibition opened in October 2014 by the Queen and The Duke of Edinburgh. The Information Age is a permanent exhibition of over 800 objects celebrating 200 years of innovation in communication and information technologies. 

In collaboration with clinical staff at the Queen Elizabeth hospital and hospitals across the Midlands, Human Interface Technology researchers in the department have developed and evaluated new interactive, smartphone and wearable health technologies, including a novel app for people with anaphylaxis.

The “computer in your pocket” exhibit includes examples of new technologies in health and well-being together with the mobile phone used to make the first video call from the summit of Everest.

LEGO robots inspire engineers of the future

LEGO robots inspire engineers of the future

Contact information

Katie Weetman
Tel: +44 (0)121 414 5043
Email: k.weetman@bham.ac.uk