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GOODALL, J., LEWIS, H., CLEGG, Z., RAMADAN, I., WILLIAMS, M., YLONEN, A., OWEN, S., ROBERTS, D., HUGHES, C. & WOLFE, C. 2022. Defining Parental Engagement in ITE: from relationships to partnerships. Wales Journal of Education.
GOODALL, J., RAMADAN, I., WILLIAMS, M., YLONEN, A., LEWIS, H., OWEN, S., ROBERTS, D., WOLFE, C., HUGHES, C. & CLEGG, Z. 2021. From Relationships to Partnerships: the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on parental engagement in children’s learning in Wales and the implications Swansea University, Bangor University.
Mohamed, K., Ramadan, I ., and Riyaz, N., 2021. A Breif Introduction to Critical Race Theory. AD-HE