Dr Kamran Khan

Dr Kamran Khan

School of Education
Associate Professor in Language, Social Justice and Education

Contact details

School of Education
University of Birmingham
B15 2TT

Kamran Khan is currently the director of the MOSAIC research group on multilingualism and an associate professor of language, social justice and education.He has been a Marie Sklodowska-Curie Fellow and worked on ESRC (Economic, Social and Research Council), European Commission and British Academy projects. He has worked in Denmark, Spain and Japan previously. He has  also previously been and EFL and ESOL teacher.

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Phd in Educational Linguistics (2013) – University of Birmingham and University of Melbourne


Kamran is the module leader for Language, Discourse and Society at Masters level.

He also supervises dissertations on the MSc TESOL program.

Postgraduate supervision

Kamran is open to supervising PhDs on language and migration, citizenship and race.


Kamran Khan’s research interests are based around language with securitisation and citizenship in relation to race.  With focus on how language and securitisation function together on issues such as border regimes, surveillance and extremism. He is interested in how race functions within sovereignty.And holds a long-standing interest in migrant experiences of naturalisation and citizenship testing.

He is currently a collaborator on the IMPECT project in Norway. 


Khan, K. (2022). The Securitisation of Language Borders and the (Re) production of inequalities. TESOL Quarterly56(4), 1458-1470. 

Khan, K. (2022). The Overrepresentation of Whiteness in Applied Linguistics–A response from Europe: A Commentary on “Undoing Competence: Coloniality, Homogeneity, and the Overrepresentation of Whiteness in Applied Linguistics”. Language Learning

Khan, K. (2022). Reconceptualising language tests for citizenship as raciolinguistic border regimes. Citizenship Studies26(4-5), 525-529. 

Schissel, J. L., & Khan, K. (2021). Responsibilities and opportunities in language testing with respect to historicized forms of socio-political discrimination: A matter of academic citizenship. Language Testing38(4), 640-648. 

Khan, K., & Gallego-Balsà, L. (2021). Racialized trajectories to Catalan higher Education: Language, anti-racism and the ‘politics of listening’. Applied Linguistics42(6), 1083-1096. 

Bassel, L., & Khan, K. (2021). Migrant women becoming British citizens: care and coloniality. Citizenship Studies25(4), 583-601. 

Bassel, L., Monforte, P., & Khan, K. (2021). Becoming an active citizen: The uk citizenship test. Ethnicities21(2), 311-332. 

Bassel, L., Monforte, P., Bartram, D., & Khan, K. (2021). Naturalization policies, citizenship regimes, and the regulation of belonging in anxious societies. Ethnicities21(2), 259-270.
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Citizenship tests; racism in Spain and Denmark; segregation; multilingualism; security; surveillance

Media experience