Richard Davy

Photograph of Richard Davy

Department of Drama and Theatre Arts
Doctoral researcher

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PhD title: Using theatre practice as social policy: examining the performance legacies of Eugenio Barba and Augusto Boal as a blueprint for reinventing community
Supervisor: Dr Adam Ledger and Dr Rose Whyman
PhD Drama and Theatre Studies

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  • BA (Hons) English and Theatre Studies, University of Derby
  • MA in Theatre Today, De Montfort University


I have been teaching in tertiary education for over 20 years in subjects such as Theatre Studies, English and Performing Arts. I have also directed a number of productions in my role and have my own children’s theatre company called kidz theatre workshop.

Since my undergraduate degree I have been working and researching in the area of applied theatre and drama. My Masters piqued my interest in theatre anthropology, focusing on the work of Eugenio Barba and Odin Teatret, whom I was able to meet and work with briefly in 2009. My dissertation for my MA was on the ‘Presentation of Self in Everyday Life’ referencing amongst others, Victor Turner, Richard Schechner and Eugenio Barba.


My research focuses on  the impact of the work of Eugenio Barba and Augusto Boal on communities to include, artists, practitioners and theatre-makers and how current, new and emerging practitioners and artists may refract and adapt legacy practice for future audiences. It also focuses on what is the perceived understanding of theatre and social change now and what this may mean in a post-Covid world.