In the periodontal disease area, a major strand of research is focussed on unravelling the complex stress response pathways which occur during periodontal inflammation at the molecular, cellular and clinical levels.
Identifying the mechanisms underpinning disease pathogenesis and the inter-relationships between periodontal inflammation and other chronic inflammatory diseases (such as rheumatoid arthritis) and the ageing immune system are key goals. Translation is a priority through clinical trials to provide novel diagnostics and host-modulating therapies. Indeed we have completed the first ever randomised phase 3 controlled trial of a phytonutrient supplement, designed for periodontitis treatment and developed over the last 6 years in collaboration with Unilever.
Characterisation of the saliva and crevicular fluid proteome for the first time in health, gingivitis, mild and severe periodontitis, is being undertaken in a project designed at novel biomarker discovery for both human and canine veterinary fields with industry collaborators.
The development, implementation and outcomes of a novel online risk and disease assessment system through our spinout company “Oral Health Innovations”, that drives patient care pathways and capitation fee banding is now active in over 700 Denplan practices with over 40,000 assessments performed by summer 2015. Longitudinal patient monitoring will provide powerful data for public health service planning and profits from OHI Ltd have already funded 3 competitive grants in 2015 through donations to the UK’s Oral and Dental Research Trust.
We now lead a large European multicentre trial to test the clinical significance of these findings in an “un-treated” population. Characterisation of the saliva and crevicular fluid proteome for the first time in health, gingivitis, mild and severe periodontitis, is being undertaken in a project designed at novel biomarker discovery.