Recent publications
Kaawach, S, Kowalewski, O & Talavera, O 2024, 'Automatic versus manual investing: Role of past performance', Journal of Financial Stability, vol. 74, 101319.
Menkveld, AJ, Dreber, A, Holzmeister, F, Huber, J, Johannesson, M, Kirchler, M, Neusüß, S, Razen, M, Weitzel, U, Abad‐Díaz, D, Abudy, M, Adrian, T, Ait‐Sahalia, Y, Akmansoy, O, Alcock, JT, Alexeev, V, Aloosh, A, Amato, L, Amaya, D, Angel, JJ, Avetikian, AT, Bach, A, Baidoo, E, Bakalli, G, Bao, L, Barbon, A, Bashchenko, O, Bindra, PC, Bjønnes, GH, Black, JR, Black, BS, Bogoev, D, Correa, SB, Bondarenko, O, Bos, CS, Bosch‐Rosa, C, Bouri, E, Brownlees, C, Calamia, A, Cao, VN, Capelle‐Blancard, G, Romero, LMC, Caporin, M, Carrion, A, Caskurlu, T, Chakrabarty, B, Chen, J, Chernov, M, Cheung, W, Chincarini, LB, Chordia, T, Chow, SC, Clapham, B, Colliard, JE, Comerton‐Forde, C, Curran, E, Dao, T, Dare, W, Davies, RJ, Blasis, RD, Nard, GFD, Declerck, F, Deev, O, Degryse, H, Deku, SY, Desagre, C, van Dijk, MA, Dim, C, Dimpfl, T, Dong, YJ, Drummond, PA, Dudda, T, Duevski, T, Dumitrescu, A, Dyakov, T, Dyhrberg, AH, Dzieliński, M, Eksi, A, Kalak, IE, Ellen, ST, Eugster, N, Evans, MDD, Farrell, M, Felez‐vinas, E, Ferrara, G, Ferrouhi, EM, Flori, A, Fluharty‐jaidee, JT, Foley, SDV, Fong, KYL, Foucault, T, Franus, T, Franzoni, F, Frijns, B, Frömmel, M, Fu, SM, Füllbrunn, SC, Gan, B, Gao, G, Gehrig, TP, Gemayel, R, Gerritsen, D, Gil‐Bazo, J, Gilder, D, Glosten, LR, Gomez, T, Gorbenko, A, Grammig, J, Grégoire, V, Güçbilmez, U, Hagströmer, B, Hambuckers, J, Hapnes, E, Harris, JH, Harris, L, Hartmann, S, Hasse, JB, Hautsch, N, He, XZ, Heath, D, Hediger, S, Hendershott, T, Hibbert, AM, Hjalmarsson, E, Hoelscher, SA, Hoffmann, P, Holden, CW, Horenstein, AR, Huang, W, Huang, D, Hurlin, C, Ilczuk, K, Ivashchenko, A, Iyer, SR, Jahanshahloo, H, Jalkh, N, Jones, CM, Jurkatis, S, Jylhä, P, Kaeck, AT, Kaiser, G, Karam, A, Karmaziene, E, Kassner, B, Kaustia, M, Kazak, E, Kearney, F, Kervel, VV, Khan, SA, Khomyn, MK, Klein, T, Klein, O, Klos, A, Koetter, M, Kolokolov, A, Korajczyk, RA, Kozhan, R, Krahnen, JP, Kuhle, P, Kwan, A, Lajaunie, Q, Lam, FYEC, Lambert, M, Langlois, H, Lausen, J, Lauter, T, Leippold, M, Levin, V, Li, Y, Li, H, Liew, CY, Lindner, T, Linton, O, Liu, J, Liu, A, Llorente, G, Lof, M, Lohr, A, Longstaff, F, Lopez‐Lira, A, Mankad, S, Mano, N, Marchal, A, Martineau, C, Mazzola, F, Meloso, D, Mi, MG, Mihet, R, Mohan, V, Moinas, S, Moore, D, Mu, L, Muravyev, D, Murphy, D, Neszveda, G, Neumeier, C, Nielsson, U, Nimalendran, M, Nolte, S, Norden, LL, O'Neill, P, Obaid, K, Ødegaard, BA, Östberg, P, Pagnotta, E, Painter, M, Palan, S, Palit, IJ, Park, A, Pascual, R, Pasquariello, P, Pastor, L, Patel, V, Patton, AJ, Pearson, ND, Pelizzon, L, Pelli, M, Pelster, M, Pérignon, C, Pfiffer, C, Philip, R, Plíhal, T, Prakash, P, Press, O, Prodromou, T, Prokopczuk, M, Putnins, T, Qian, Y, Raizada, G, Rakowski, D, Ranaldo, A, Regis, L, Reitz, S, Renault, T, Renjie, RW, Reno, R, Riddiough, SJ, Rinne, K, Rintamäki, P, Riordan, R, Rittmannsberger, T, Longarela, IR, Roesch, D, Rognone, L, Roseman, B, Roşu, I, Roy, S, Rudolf, N, Rush, SR, Rzayev, K, Rzeźnik, AA, Sanford, A, Sankaran, H, Sarkar, A, Sarno, L, Scaillet, O, Scharnowski, S, Schenk‐hoppé, KR, Schertler, A, Schneider, M, Schroeder, F, Schürhoff, N, Schuster, P, Schwarz, MA, Seasholes, MS, Seeger, NJ, Shachar, O, Shkilko, A, Shui, J, Sikic, M, Simion, G, Smales, LA, Söderlind, P, Sojli, E, Sokolov, K, Sönksen, J, Spokeviciute, L, Stefanova, D, Subrahmanyam, MG, Szaszi, B, Talavera, O, Tang, Y, Taylor, N, Tham, WW, Theissen, E, Thimme, J, Tonks, I, Tran, H, Trapin, L, Trolle, AB, Vaduva, MA, Valente, G, van Ness, RA, Vasquez, A, Verousis, T, Verwijmeren, P, Vilhelmsson, A, Vilkov, G, Vladimirov, V, Vogel, S, Voigt, S, Wagner, W, Walther, T, Weiss, P, Wel, MVD, Werner, IM, Westerholm, PJ, Westheide, C, Wika, HC, Wipplinger, E, Wolf, M, Wolff, CCP, Wolk, L, Wong, WK, Wrampelmeyer, J, Wu, ZX, Xia, S, Xiu, D, Xu, K, Xu, C, Yadav, PK, Yagüe, J, Yan, C, Yang, A, Yoo, W, Yu, W, Yu, Y, Yu, S, Yueshen, BZ, Yuferova, D, Zamojski, M, Zareei, A, Zeisberger, SM, Zhang, L, Zhang, SS, Zhang, X, Zhao, L, Zhong, Z, Zhou, ZI, Zhou, C, Zhu, XS, Zoican, M & Zwinkels, R 2024, 'Nonstandard Errors', The Journal of Finance.
Gao, G, Nikolsko‐rzhevskyy, A & Talavera, O 2023, 'Can central banks be heard over the sound of gunfire?', Journal of Financial Research.
Fan, R, Talavera, O & Tran, V 2023, 'Information flows and the law of one price', International Review of Financial Analysis, vol. 85, 102466.
Pham, T, Talavera, O & Wu, Z 2023, 'Labor markets during war time: Evidence from online job advertisements', Journal of Comparative Economics, vol. 51, no. 4, pp. 1316-1333.
Nikolsko-Rzhevskyy, A, Talavera, O & Vu, N 2023, 'The flood that caused a drought', Economic Inquiry.
Gorodnichenko, Y, Pham, T & Talavera, O 2023, 'The voice of monetary policy', The American Economic Review, vol. 113, no. 2, pp. 548-584.
Arias, J, Talavera, O & Tsapin, A 2022, 'Bank liquidity and exposure to industry shocks: evidence from Ukraine', Emerging Markets Review, vol. 53, 100942.
Pham, T, Talavera, O & Tsapin, A 2022, 'Branch network structure, authority and lending behaviour', Economic Systems.
Perroni, C, Scharf, K, Talavera, O & Vi, L 2022, 'Does online salience predict charitable giving? Evidence from SMS text donations', Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, vol. 197, pp. 134-149.
Caglayan, M, Talavera, O & Xiong, L 2022, 'Female small business owners in China: discouraged, not discriminated', Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money, vol. 80, 101649.
Yilmaz, O, Talavera, O & Jia, JY 2022, 'Rental market liquidity, seasonality, and distance to universities', International Journal of the Economics of Business, vol. 29, no. 2, pp. 223-239.
Fan, R, Talavera, O & Tran, V 2022, 'Social media and price discovery: The case of cross-listed firms', Journal of Financial Research, vol. 46, no. 1, pp. 151-167.
Gedikli, C, Hill, R, Talavera, O & Yilmaz, O 2022, 'The hidden cost of smoking: rent premia in the housing market', Real Estate Economics.
Gorodnichenko, Y, Pham, T & Talavera, O 2021, 'Conference presentations and academic publishing', Economic Modelling, vol. 95, pp. 228-254.
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