Dr. Shuyang Li is an Associate Professor in Business Analytics at the University of Birmingham. Before joining Birmingham Business School, she worked as a Lecturer in Information and Operations Management at the University of Sheffield from 2019-2023. Her research focuses on the intersection of business analytics and information systems, exploring the socio-technical nature of emerging technologies, and how advanced data analytics and management information systems impact on organisational practices. Her research interests include organisational digital transformation, adoption and implications of emerging technologies, and data-driven strategies for social media marketing.
She has published her work in the fields of information systems and management studies. Her work has been published in British Journal of Management, Tourism Management, Information Systems Frontiers, Technological Forecasting and Social Change, Industrial Management and Data Systems, and others.
Shuyang has led and participated in a number of projects funded by UKRI STFC, UFI VocTech Trust, the National Natural Science Foundation of China, and other international bodies.