Published Papers
Pour, E.K., Uddin, M., Murinde, V. and Amini, S. (2023). CEO Power, Bank Risk-Taking and National Culture: International Evidence. Journal of Financial Stability, p.101133
Amini, S., Johan, S., Pour, E.K. and Mohamed, A. (2022). Employee welfare, social capital, and IPO firm survival. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, p.10422587221120821
Kashefi‐Pour, E., Amini, S., Uddin, M. and Duxbury, D., (2020), Does Cultural Difference Affect Investment–Cash Flow Sensitivity? Evidence from OECD Countries. British Journal of Management, 31(3), pp.636-658.
Kashefi Pour, E. and Lasfer, M. (2019), Taxes, governance, and debt maturity structure: International evidence. Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money, 58: 136-161.
Khansalar, E. and Kashefi Pour, E. (2018), The usefulness of the double entry constraint for predicting earnings. Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting, pp.1-17.
Hoque, H. and Kashefi Pour, E. (2018), Bank‐Level and Country‐Level Determinants of Bank Capital Structure and Funding Sources, International Journal of Finance and Economics 23:504–532.
Kashefi Pour, E. (2016), Entering to the Public Bond Market during the Financial Crisis, Journal of Research in International Business and Finance, 39, pp. 102-114.
Kashefi Pour, E. and Khansalar, E. (2015), Does debt capacity matter in the choice of debt in reducing the underinvestment problem?, Journal of Research in International Business and Finance, 34, pp. 251-264.
Kashefi Pour, E. (2015), IPO Survival and CEOs’ Decision-Making Power: The Evidence of China, Journal of Research in International Business and Finance, 33, pp. 247-267.
Kashefi Pour, E. and Lasfer, M. (2013), Why do companies delist voluntarily from the stock market, Journal of Banking and Finance 37, pp. 4850–4860.
Kashefi Pour, E. (2011), The determinants of capital structure across firms’ sizes: The U.K evidence, International Journal of Finance Accounting and Economics Studies 1, pp. 45-73.
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