Taylor, A. (2022). How can challenges in left behind places be addressed? Learning from Greater Lille, Nantes, the Ruhr region, San Antonio and Estonia. Transactions of the Association of European Schools of Planning, 6(1), pp.55-70.
Green, A., Hughes, C., Sissons, P. and Taylor, A. (2022). Localising employment policy: opportunities and challenges. In: Jolly, A., Cefalo, R. and Pomati, M. eds Social Policy Review 34. Analysis and Debate in Social Policy, 2022. Bristol: The Policy Press pp.24-47.
Taylor, A., Green, A., Gloster, R., and Bramley, G. (2022). Physical to virtual: challenges & opportunities for a neighbourhood-based employment support initiative. Journal of Sociology and Social Policy. Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print.
Taylor, A. and Green, A. (2021). How well equipped are national surveys to capture new approaches to training. Journal of Education and Work 34, 5/6, pp. 676-690.
Taylor, A., Green, A., Matsu, J., O’Farrell, L., Read, H., Coe, G., Brittain, B. and Bramley, G. (2022). Investing in regional equality: lessons from four cities. London: CIPFA https://www.cipfa.org/cipfa-thinks/insight/addressing-regional-inequalities
Taylor, A., Sampson, S. and Romaniuk, A. (2021). What does it take to “level-up” places? Evidence from international experience. Industrial Strategy Council. https://industrialstrategycouncil.org/what-does-it-take-level-places
Hoole, A., Taylor, A., Read, A. and Green, A. (2021). Covid-19 recovery planning, partnership working and the role of universities in city-regions. Birmingham: WMREDI https://www.birmingham.ac.uk/documents/college-social-sciences/business/research/wm-redi/wm-redi-project-docs/project-6b-at/covid-19-recovery-planning-partnership-working-and-role-of-universities-report-final.pdf
Taylor, A., Green, A. and Hassan, S. Priorities for up-skilling and re-skilling: what role can and should universities play? Birmingham: WMREDI. https://www.birmingham.ac.uk/documents/college-social-sciences/business/research/wm-redi/wm-redi-project-docs/theme-1/virtual-internships/what-are-the-priorities-for-upskilling-and-reskilling-report-10.05.2021-v4.pdf
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