Professor Glyn Watson

Professor Glyn Watson

Department of Management
Senior Lecturer

Contact details

Birmingham Business School
University of Birmingham
B15 2TY
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  • PhD, Department of Politics and International Studies (POLSIS), University of Birmingham (Recipient of a full ESRC Studentship)
  • MA in European Political Economy, Department of Politics, University of Hull
  • BA in Politics, Department of Politic, University of Hull
  • Member of the Chartered Institute of Purchasing and Supply (MCIPS)


Glyn Watson first joined the University of Birmingham as a doctoral candidate in 1992. Initially he was located in the Department of Politics and International Studies (POLSIS), where he taught on both its undergraduate and post-graduate programmes. He transferred to the Business School in 1994 and received his PhD in 1996. 

During his time in the School his specialist area of research has been governance in business networks. He has focused both on the structural properties of networks and how these properties, in turn, shape and constrain firms' management choices. This research has led him to work closely with industry and in 2001 he was a joint recipient (along with Andrew Cox and Chris Lonsdale) of a £278,000 research grant from the EPSRC. The output of this research led to the joint-publication of two books and the research itself was assessed by the EPSRC as 'tending to outstanding/tending to internationally leading'. More recently, he received a £78,000 award (along with Chris Lonsdale) from the Oxford Radcliffe Hospital Trust. This award was to investigate whether or not the Trust was obtaining value for money from its partner suppliers.

Between 2004 and 2007 he was the Programme Director of the subject group's MBA in Strategy and Procurement Management where he lectures on the subject of International Business Environment.

In June 2009, he was appointed Director of Education for the Birmingham Business School. Glyn was appointed Dean of Birmingham Business School in October 2016.

April 2018 saw Professor Watson appointed as the Provost at the University of Birmingham’s flagship overseas campus in Dubai.

Postgraduate supervision

Contracts and Incentives
Conflict and Conflict Resolution 
Public Sector Purchasing 
Management Theory


Research interests include Inter and Intra-Organisational Conflict, Economics and Law, Business Management Theory and Political Risk Analysis.

Competitive Advantage through Supply Performance (2001-2003). EPSRC (CI) - £278,000.
Purchasing for Patients (2002-2004). NHS/ORHT-sponsored project. Value (PI) - £75,041

Jointly developed and delivered CPD course for the NHS/Purchasing and Supply Agency (2002-5) (Lead) - £137, 750    

Impact Work
Impact Case Study for REF2021 (Participant): Transforming Make-Buy and Supply Chain Management Practice in Rolls-Royce Civil Aerospace and Supply Partners, Internal Assessment 4*


Refereed Journal Articles
  1.  ‘Managing Supplier Opportunism Using the Procurement and Supply Management Process: A Quantitative Analysis’, Supply Chain Management – An International Journal, (with Chris Lonsdale, Fei Peng and Joe Sanderson), Under Review. ABS3*
  2. ‘Governance Pressure and Performance Outcomes of Sustainable Supply Chain Management’, Journal of Cleaner Production, 155(2), 2017 (with Ali Esfahbodi and Yufeng Zhang), pp.66-78.
  3. ‘Sustainable Supply Chain Management in Emerging Economies: Trade-offs Between Environmental and Cost Performance’, International Journal of Production Economics, 181(2) 2016 (with Ali Esfahbodi and Yufeng Zhang), pp.350-66. ABS3*
  4. ‘Theoretical Perspectives in Operations Management: An Analysis of the Literature’, International Journal of Operations and Production Management, 34(8), 2015 (with Helen Walker, Zoe Radnor, Dan Chicksand, and Robert Johnson), pp.974-1002. ABS4*
  5. ‘Beyond Intentional Trust: Supplier Opportunism and Management Control Mechanisms in Public Sector Procurement’, Policy and Politics, 35(4), 2014 (with Chris Lonsdale, Joe Sanderson and Fei Peng), pp.683-700. ABS3*
  6. ‘The Micro-Politics of Operational Adjustment: Veto Players and the Consolidation of Demand in the NHS’, Production Planning and Control, 24(10-11) 2013, (with Daniel Chicksand and Chris Lonsdale), pp.948-961. ABS3*
  7. ‘Theoretical Perspectives in Purchasing and Supply Chain Management: An Analysis of the Literature’, Supply Chain Management – An International Journal, 17(4), 2012, (with Daniel Chicksand, Bob Johnston, Zoe Radnor and Helen Walker), pp.458-472. ABS3*
  8. ‘Risk Transfer and the UK Private Finance Initiative: A Theoretical Analysis’, Policy and Politics, 33(2), 2005, (with Chris Lonsdale), pp.231-50. ABS3*
  9. ‘The Internal Client Relationship, Demand Management and Value for Money: Evidence from the UK National Health Service’, Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management, 11, 2005 (with Chris Lonsdale), pp159-172. ABS2*
  10. ‘Supplier Relationship Management as an Investment: Evidence from a UK Study’, Journal of General Management, 3, 2005 (with Andrew Cox, Chris Lonsdale and Yi Wu), pp27-42. ABS2*
  11. ‘Uncertainty and Contractual Hazard in the Film Industry: Managing Adversarial Collaboration with Dominant Suppliers’, Supply Chain Management - An International Journal, 5, 2004, pp402-410. ABS3*
  12. ‘Managing Appropriately within Supply Chain Power Regimes: Evidence from a UK Study’, Supply Chain Management - An International Journal, 9, 2004 (with Andrew Cox, Joe Sanderson and Chris Lonsdale), pp357-371. ABS3*
  13. ‘Supplier Relationship Management: A Framework for Understanding Managerial Capacity and Constraints’, European Business Journal, 3, 2003 (with Andrew Cox, Chris Lonsdale and Hong Qiao), pp135-145. ABS1*
  14. ‘Subregimes of Power and Integrated Supply Chain Management’, Journal of Supply Chain Management, 37, 2001, pp36-42. ABS3*
  15. ‘Supply Chains and Power Regimes: Toward an Analytic Framework for Managing Extended Networks of Buyer and Supplier Relationships’, Journal of Supply Chain Management, 37, 2001, pp28-36. ABS3*
  16. ‘Power and Value Appropriation in the Direct-Marketing Publishing Supply Chain’, Supply Chain Management: An International Journal, 4, 1999, (with Andrew Cox), pp192-198. ABS3*
Book Publications
  1. The Right Tools for the Job: On the Use and Utility of Management Tools and Techniques, Palgrave Macmillan, 2005 (with Andrew Cox, Joe Sanderson and Chris Lonsdale), 333pp.
  2. Business Relationships for Competitive Advantage, Palgrave Macmillan, 2004 (with Andrew Cox, Joe Sanderson and Chris Lonsdale), 246pp.
  3. Supply Chain Management: A Guide to Best Practice, Financial Times Pearson, 2003 (with Andrew Cox, Chris Lonsdale, Joe Sanderson and Paul Ireland), 120pp.
  4. Supply Chains, Markets and Power: Mapping Buyer and Supplier Power Regimes, Routledge, 2002 (with Andrew Cox, Chris Lonsdale, Joe Sanderson and Paul Ireland), 268pp.
  5. Power Regimes: Mapping the DNA of Business and Supply Chain Relationships, Earlsgate Press, 2000 (with Andrew Cox and Joe Sanderson), 94pp.
  6. Intergovernmental Relations in the Member States of the European Community, Earlsgate Press, 1994, 107pp.
  7. The Public Sector in the Member States of the European Community, Earlsgate Press, 1993, 88pp.
Chapters in Edited Volumes
  1.  ‘Incentives and the Strategic Management of Suppliers’ in Waters, D. (ed.) Global Logistics: New Directions in Supply Chain Management, 6th Edition, Kogan Page, 2010 (with Chris Lonsdale and Joe Sanderson), pp.49-68.
  2. ‘Strategic Supply Chain Management: The Issue of Incentives’, in Waters, D. (ed), Global Logistics: New Directions in Supply Chain Management, 5th Edition, Kogan Page, 2007 (with Chris Lonsdale and Andrew Cox), pp.91-106.
  3. ‘Collaboration and Competition: The Economics of Selecting Appropriate Governance Structures for Buyer-Supplier Relationships’, in Scott and Thurston (eds), Collaboration in Context, The University of Calgary, 2003 (with Andrew Cox, Chris Lonsdale and Rachel Farmery), pp115-228.
  4. ‘Thinking Strategically about Supply Chain Relationship Management’, in Waters, D. (ed), Global Logistics and Distribution Planning, 4th Edition, Kogan Page, 2003 (with Chris Lonsdale, Andrew Cox and Joe Sanderson), pp104-116.
  5. ‘Beyond Core Competence Models: A Contingency Model for Effective Outsourcing Risk Management’ in Erridge, A (ed), Perspectives in Public and Private Sector Procurement, Gower, 2001 (with Andrew Cox and Chris Lonsdale), pp82-89.
  6. ‘Thinking Strategically about Supply Chain Management’, in Waters, D. (ed), Global Logistics and Distribution Planning, 3rd Edition, Kogan Page, 1999 (with Andrew Cox and Joe Sanderson), pp104-116.
  7. ‘Collective Goods versus Private Interests: Lean Enterprise and the Free Rider Problem’, in Cox and Hines (eds), Advanced Supply Management, Earlsgate Press, 1997 (with Joe Sanderson), pp347-384.
  8. ‘Towards a theory of Optimal Sourcing Strategies in a World of Freer Trade’, in Cox and Hines (eds), Advanced Supply Management, Earlsgate Press, 1997 (with Joe Sanderson), pp385-410.
  9. ‘The European Communities and the Restructuring of European National Champions’, in J. Hayward (ed.), Industrial Enterprise and European Integration: Firms and Governments in Western Europe, Oxford University Press, 1995 (with Andrew Cox), pp304-333. 
Refereed Conference and Professional Journal Papers
  1.  ‘Theoretical perspectives in Purchasing and Supply Chain Management: An Analysis of the Literature’, (with Daniel Chicksand, Bob Johnston, Zoe Radnor and Helen Walker), 19th IPSERA Conference, Lappeenranta, Finland, May 2010 (with Daniel Chicksand, Bob Johnston, Zoe Radnor and Helen Walker).
  2. ‘Top Tools – One hit Wonders or Top Classics’, in Supply Management, November 2004, (with Andrew Cox), 3p.
  3. The Role of Incentives in Buyer-Supplier Relationships: Industrial Cases from a UK Study, IMP Conference, Working Paper, Lugano, September 2003 (with Andrew Cox and Chris Lonsdale), 12pp.
  4. Developing ‘Fit for Purpose’ Buyer-Supplier Relationships, Institute of Supply Management International Conference, Nashville Tennessee, May 2003 (with Chris Lonsdale, Joe Sanderson and Andrew Cox), 5pp.
  5. Developing Supplier Relationships: The Problems of Achieving Collaboration in Supplier Dominance Relationships, 12th IPSERA Conference, Budapest, April 2003 (with Andrew Cox, Rachel Farmery and Chris Lonsdale), pp541-549.
  6. Effective Demand Management within the NHS, 12th IPSERA Conference, Budapest, April 2003 (with Andrew Cox, Chris Lonsdale and Dan Chicksand), pp1113-1125.
  7. Barriers to Effective B2B Relationship Management: Understanding the Scope for Demand Consolidation Programmes, Institute of Logistics and Transport Conference, Birmingham, September 2002 (with Chris Lonsdale, Dan Chicksand and Andrew Cox), pp5-13.
  8. Developing Supplier Relationships in the Media Supply Chain, Institute of Logistics and Transport Conference, Birmingham, September 2002 (with Chris Lonsdale, Rachel Farmery and Andrew Cox), pp463-470.
  9. Understanding the Limits to Management Action in Supply Networks, British Academy of Management Conference, Working Paper, London, September 2002 (with Andrew Cox and Chris Lonsdale), 6pp.
  10. Collaboration and Competition: The Economics of Selecting Appropriate Governance Structures for Buyer-Supplier Relationships, 9th International Conference on Multi-organisational Partnerships and Co-operative Strategies, Calgary, July 2002 (with Andrew Cox and Chris Lonsdale), 13pp.

  11. Implementing a Consolidation of Spend Programme and the Problems of Demand Management in Travel Procurement, 11th IPSERA Conference, Twente, March 2002 (with Chris Lonsdale, Andrew Cox and Dan Chicksand), pp734-741.

  12. Developing Relationships with Suppliers of Creative Services, 11th IPSERA Conference, Twente, March 2002 (with Chris Lonsdale, Rachel Farmery and Andrew Cox), pp471-480.

  13. Managing Appropriately within Supply Chain Power Regimes, British Academy of Management Conference, Working Paper, Cardiff, September 2001 (with Joe Sanderson, Andrew Cox and Chris Lonsdale), 6pp.

  14. Power Regimes: An Alternative Approach to Managing in Supply Chains and Networks, 1st Hawaii Conference on Business, University of Hawaii, June 2001 (with Andrew Cox and Joe Sanderson).

  15. Power Regimes: A Strategic Perspective on the Management of Business to Business Relationships in Supply Networks, 17th IMP Conference, Oslo, September 2001 (with Andrew Cox and Joe Sanderson), 19 pages.

  16. Power Regimes: A New Perspective on Managing in Supply Chains and Networks, 10th IPSERA Conference, University of Jonkoping, Sweden, April 2001 (with Andrew Cox and Joe Sanderson), 19 pages.

  17. ‘Wielding Influence’, in Supply Management, April, 2000, (with Andrew Cox and Joe Sanderson), 3p.

  18. Business Power Revisited: Codifying Supply Chain Types and Linking them to Strategic and Operational Practices, 9th IPSERA Conference, Western Ontario, May 2000 (with Andrew Cox and Joe Sanderson), 19 pages.

  19. Power and its Impact on the Publishing Supply and Value Chains, 8th IPSERA Conference, Dublin, March 1999 (with Andrew Cox and Eleftheria Noula), pp.795-804.

  20. Beyond the Core Competence Perspective: A Contingency Model for Effective Outsourcing, 8th IPSERA Conference, Dublin, March 1999 (with Andrew Cox and Chris Lonsdale), pp161-164.

  21. Creating and Appropriating Value: Transactional Idiosyncrasy and Free Riding in the Lean Enterprise, 6th IPSERA Conference, Naples, March 1997 (with Joe Sanderson), ppT1-T15.

  22. ‘Buying into the Future’, in Supply Management, August 1996, (with Andrew Cox and Joe Sanderson), p34.

  23. Going Global or Staying National? Toward a theory of Optimal Sourcing Strategies, (with Joe Sanderson), 2nd International Conference on Managing Integrated Manufacturing, Leicester, June 1993.

  24. Partnership Sourcing: Is There Meat in the Sandwich?, Consortium Conference on Managing Strategic Sourcing, LERC, Cardiff Business School 1993.

Reports for Research Sponsors
  • Report on the Specification of Clinical Maintenance Contracts, 2004 (with Chris Lonsdale and Rachel Farmery) – for the Oxford Radcliffe NHS Hospital Trust.
  • Purchasing for Patients: A Brief Guide to Best Practice Purchasing Management, 2004 (with Chris Lonsdale) – for the Oxford Radcliffe NHS Hospital Trust.
  • Product Selection and Procurement in the Theatres and Anaesthetics Directorate, 2003 (with Chris Lonsdale and Rachel Farmery – for the Oxford Radcliffe NHS Hospital Trust.
  • The Demand for Clinical Databases in the NHS, 2002 (with Andrew Cox and Dan Chicksand) – BUPA.
  • Powder Free Surgical Glove Evaluation: A Discussion Document, 2003 (with Chris Lonsdale and Rachel Farmery) – for the Oxford Radcliffe NHS Hospital Trust.
  • Report on the Procurement of Clinical Laboratory Analysers, 2003 (with Chris Lonsdale) – for the Oxford Radcliffe NHS Hospital Trust.
  • Report on the Procurement of Clinical Waste Management Services, 2003 (with Chris Lonsdale) – for the Oxford Radcliffe NHS Hospital Trust.
  • Relationship Management in the Supply Chain for Business Management Systems, 2002 (with Andrew Cox and Dan Chicksand) – for Carillion.
  • Relationship Management in the Supply Chain for Corporate Travel, 2002 (with Andrew Cox and Dan Chicksand) – for BUPA.
  • Relationship Management in the Supply Chain for Orthotic Product and Servicess, 2001 (with Andrew Cox and Dan Chicksand) – for NHS.
  • Relationship Management in the Supply Chain for Industrial Valves and Flow Systems, 2001 (with Andrew Cox and Dan Chicksand) – for Conoco.
  • Best in Class: Supply Management in the ORHT, 2001 (with Chris Lonsdale) – for the Oxford Radcliffe NHS Hospital Trust.
  • Supply and Value Chain Mapping in the Supply Chain for Industrial Sugar, 2000 (with Andrew Cox) – for British Sugar.
  • Supply and Value Chain Mapping in the Supply Chain for Automotive Products, 2000 (with Andrew Cox) – for Rover.
  • Partnership Sourcing: A Review of the Literature, 1996 – for ICL Ltd.
  • Supply Chain Management: A Review of the Literature, 1996 – for ICL Ltd.