Skills Insight Project - This project is composed of three papers which are available for download below:
- The first, published by the Industrial Strategy Council, presents evidence on some of the skills challenges facing the UK and how they might be addressed. It calls for a clear overarching vision for UK skills and a long-term commitment to delivering it in partnership.
- The second explores both employer and employee perceptions relating to skills and the value of training, drawing on survey evidence, to understand the specific skills and skills investment challenges employers face as the nature of work changes. Based on qualitative interviews conducted with employers, it then investigates how the current skills system both supports and hampers employer decisions to invest in training.
- The third paper presents five country case studies - Canada, France, Japan, the Netherlands and Sweden - to identify key features and challenges of different international skills systems. The report has been designed to identify successful aspects of the different systems and provide policy learning relevant to the United Kingdom.
Places – This project involved conducting case studies to provide a rich understanding of the process behind the development of Local Industrial Strategies. Key themes include purpose, process, collaboration and evaluation. The report identifies areas of good practice and challenges, emphasising their wider relevance to future economic growth policies.
Places – This project examines international evidence on effective place-based interventions and explores what can be learnt from selected other countries in how they design and implement place-based policies.