The Economic Impacts of Brexit on the UK & its Regions, Cities and Sectors

'The Economic Impacts of Brexit on the UK, its Regions, its Cities and its Sectors' project started in April 2017.
The project is part of a series of 25 projects funded by the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) to support the initiative UK in a Changing Europe, coordinated by Professor Anand Menon at King’s College London.
The findings from this research suggested that the UK’s cities and regions which voted for Brexit are also the most economically dependent on EU markets for their prosperity and viability. This is a result of their differing sectoral and trade composition. Different impacts are likely for different sectors, and different impacts are likely between sectors, and these relationships also differ across the country’s regions. Some sectors, some regions and some cities will be more sensitive and susceptible to any changes in UK-EU trade relations which may arise from Brexit than others and their long-run competitiveness positions will be less robust and more vulnerable than others.
This suggests that these sectoral and regional differences need to be very carefully taken into account in the context of the national UK-EU negotiations for the post-Brexit agreements to be politically, socially as well as economically sustainable across the country.
Project Support: Mr Stuart Mitchell, Centre Manager of City-REDI (s.mitchell@bham.ac.uk)
This project aims to examine in detail the likely impacts of Brexit on the UK’s sectors, regions and cities by using the most detailed regional-national-international trade and competition datasets.
The quantitative research will allow us to understand the role in shaping UK regional trade behaviour which is played by global value-chains, whereby goods and services crisscross borders multiple times before being finally consumed by households and firms. The UK is heavily integrated with the rest of the EU via such global value-chains and reshaping the future post-Brexit UK trade arrangements with the EU will also involve reconfiguring these global value-chains. Our data allows us to examine the impacts of different trade scenarios and to map out the sensitivity of UK sectors and regions to different post-Brexit scenarios. Brexit will also reshape the national and international competitiveness rankings of the UK regions and again our data allows us to examine the likely long-run changes which will arise.
At the same time, these changes will also all have profound implications for the design and governance of UK city and regional development policy logic and settings. Our quantitative research will, therefore, also be undertaken in parallel with qualitative research based on key stakeholder engagement sessions. Participatory workshops with city, regional and national stakeholders will be organised to develop alternative post-Brexit scenarios for empirical analysis as perceived by the city and regional as well as national institutions.
The Team
The Team
The core project research consortium is comprised of five scholars with a combined expertise which is reflected in over 4000 ISI journal citations, 6500 Scopus journal citations, and some 20,000 Google Scholar citations, and in 2016 alone they accounted for more than 700 ISI journal citations and 1100 Scopus journal citations. They are:
- Professor Raquel Ortega-Argilés, formerly Professor of Regional Economic Development, Birmingham Business School, Principal Applicant and Project Coordinator
- Professor Philip McCann, Professor of Urban and Regional Economics, University of Sheffield Management School: Co-Applicant
- Professor Bart Los, Professor of Economics, Department of Global Economics and Management, University of Groningen
- Professor Frank van Oort, Professor of Urban Economics, Erasmus University Rotterdam and Professor of Economic Geography, University of Utrecht
- Dr Mark Thissen, Senior Researcher, PBL Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency and Research Fellow, Erasmus University Rotterdam and University of Utrecht
- Dr Pieter Ijtsma, Assistant Professor, Faculty of Economics and Business
- Dr Nicola Cortinovis, Post-doctoral Researcher, Erasmus University Rotterdam
- Dr Chloe Billing, Post-doctoral researcher, City-REDI, University of Birmingham
- Dr Deniz Sevinc
- Dr Wen Chen, Post-doctoral researcher, Department of Global Economics and Management, University of Groningen
The project team are highly experienced academic analysts who are experienced in coordinating international academic research consortia. They are also well versed in working alongside societal stakeholders ranging from local businesses and community organisations, through to local and national governments, and up to international organisations.
Project collaborators
Project collaborators
- University of Birmingham
- University of Sheffield
- University of Groningen
- Erasmus University Rotterdam
- PBL Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency
- Institute of Public Policy Research (IPPR) North
- Policy Scotland
- Department of Business, Innovation and Skills BEIS LGA
- Respublica
- Centre for Cities (CfC)
- West Midlands Combined Authority
Academic papers and policy briefings
Academic papers and policy briefings
Mark Thissen, Frank van Oort, Philip McCann, Raquel Ortega-Argiles & Trond Husby (November 2020), The implications of Brexit for UK and EU regional competitiveness, Economic Geography
Chloe Billing, Philip McCann, Raquel Ortega-Argilés, Deniz Sevinc (November 2020), UK analysts’ and policy-makers’ perspectives on Brexit: challenges, priorities and opportunities for subnational areas, Regional Studies
IJtsma, P. and Los, B., (May 2019) Brexit Employment Risks by Occupation
Billing, C. ; McCann, P. and Ortega-Argiles, R. (Feb 2019), Interregional Inequalities and UK Sub-National Governance Responses to Brexit, Regional Studies.
Mark Thissen; Maureen Lankhuizen; Frank (F.G.) van Oort; Bart Los; Dario Diodato (2018), EUREGIO: The construction of a global IO DATABASE with regional detail for Europe for 2000-2010, Tinbergen Institute Discussion Paper, TI 2008-084/VI
Bailey, D. ; McCann, P. and Ortega-Argiles, R. (2018) Could Brexit spell the end for “just-in-time” production?, Prospect Magazine
Ortega-Argiles et al. (2018) How Brexit will hit different UK regions and industries (The Conversation) , The Conversation UK, February 9 2018
Ortega-Argiles et al. (2017) Analysing the continental divide?, AgendaNI, 20 December 2017
Chen, W., Los, B., McCann P., Ortega-Argiles R., Thissen M., van Oort F (2017) Exposure to Brexit in regions on both sides of the Channel, Vox EU, 19 December 2017
Chen, W., Los, B., McCann, P., Ortega-Argiles, R., Thissen, M., van Oort, F (2018) The Continental Divide? Economic Exposure to Brexit in Regions and Countries on Both Sides of the Channel, Papers in Regional Science, 97(1), 25-54, DOI: 10.1111/pirs.12334.
Los, B., Chen, W., McCann, P., Ortega-Argiles, R. (2017) An Assessment of Brexit Risks for 54 Industries: Most Services Industries are also Exposed 2017, City-REDI Policy Briefing series, December 2017
Blogs and articles
Blogs and articles
- Brexit and Losses of UK Regional Competitiveness: What Does this Mean for the West Midlands, ‘Levelling Up’ and a UK-EU Trade Deal?
City-REDI Blog, 19 November 2020 - Brexit Will Work Against the 'Levelling Up' Agenda
UK in a Changing Europe, 11 November 2020 - The Implications of Brexit for the UK’s Regions
City-REDI Blog, 6 December 2018 - The Exposure of the West Midlands Region to Brexit
City-REDI Blog, 5 December 2018 - City-REDI Fringe Event at the Conservative Party Conference in Birmingham: Overcoming the Challenges of Brexit at Local Level
City-REDI Blog, 25 October 2018 - City-REDI at the Labour Party Conference in Liverpool: Understanding and Mitigating the Risks of Brexit at Local Level
City-REDI Blog, 23 October 2018 - The Economic Impacts of Brexit on the UK, Its Regions, Its Cities and Its Sectors – Regional Participatory Workshop Presentations Are Now Available
City-REDI Blog, 24 May 2018 - The economic implications of Brexit on both sides of the Irish border
City-REDI Blog, 24 May 2018 - City-REDI mentioned in the House of Commons
City-REDI Blog, 15 May 2018 - The Economic Impacts of Brexit on the UK, its Regions, its Cities and its Sectors: Participatory Workshops
City-REDI Blog, 24 April 2018 - Article 50 one year on: regional and sectoral impacts of Brexit
The UK in a Changing Europe, 23 April 2018 - Brexit: Local and Devolved Government
City-REDI Blog, 9 March 2018 - The regional impact of Brexit
GGDC News, University of Groningen, 19 December 2017 - An Assessment of Brexit Risks for 54 Industries: Most Services Industries are also Exposed
City-REDI Blog, 11 December 2017 - City-REDI publications series: Professor Raquel Ortega-Argiles– The continental divide? Economic exposure to Brexit in regions and countries on both sides of the Channel
City-REDI Blog, 13 December 2017 - What are the economic impacts of Brexit on the UK’s sectors, regions and cities?
City-REDI Blog, 14 June 2017 - The continental divide? economic exposure to Brexit in regions and countries on both sides of the Channel
The UK in a Changing Europe Blog, 24 November 2017
Report contributions
- Cost of No Deal Revisited. Sectoral and Regional Consequences
The UK in a Changing Europe - Brexit and the island of Ireland
The UK in a Changing Europe - Article 50: one year on
The UK in a Changing Europe - Brexit: Local and Devolved Government
The UK in a Changing Europe - EU Referendum: One year on
The UK in a Changing Europe and Political Studies Association - State of the North 2017: The Millennial Powerhouse
IPPR North
Report citations
- International Monetary Fund. European Dept. (2018) Euro Area Policies: Selected Issues
- Morry, M (2018) An equal exit? The distributional consequences of leaving the EU, Briefing II, Institute for Public Policy Research
- North East Brexit Group (2018) “Leaving the European Union. A review of evidence about opportunities, challenges and risks to the North East economy and its key sectors with recommendations for action”
- European Committee of the Regions (2018) “Assessing the impact of the UK’s withdrawal from the EU on regions and cities in EU27”, Commission for Economic Policy
- Wannicke, V. (2018) “Does trade integration in Global Value Chains go hand in hand with anti-globalization sentiments? A regional analysis of the Brexit referendum”, Lund University School of Economics and Management – Master’s Program in Economic Development and Growth
- Hessisches Ministerium für Wirtschaft, Energie, Verkehr und Landesentwicklung (2018) “Hessen und der Brexit – Ein Jahr nach dem Austrittsantrag”, HA Hessen Agentur GmbH
- Hix (2018) “Brexit: Where is the EU-UK Relationship Heading?”, Journal of Common Market Studies, 12 July 2018
- Fischer T.B et al. (2018), “Implications of Brexit for Environmental Assessment in the United Kingdom – results from a 1-day workshop at the University of Liverpool”, Impact Assessment and Project Appraisal, 36 (4), 371-377
Reports where our research has been mentioned
- State of the North 2018: Reprioritising the Northern Powerhouse
IPPR North, December 2018 - Assessing the exposure of EU27 regions and cities to the UK's withdrawal from the European Union
EU Committee of the Regions, 14 March 2018 - Will the unity of the 27 crack?
Centre for European Reform - Preparing for Brexit
Cambridge Econometrics - Brexit - What We Now Know
Tony Blair’s Institute for Global Change - Wikipedia inclusion
Media coverage
Media coverage
- Where Europe Would Be Hurt Most by a No-Deal Brexit
7 February 2019, The New York Times - Uncertainty boosts Brexit jitters for U.K. scientists
7 December 2018, Science Magazine - Looming Parliament vote boosts Brexit jitters for U.K. scientists
5 December 2018, Science Magazine - Vechten tegen chaos na een Brexit met no deal
5 December 2018, Financieele Dagblad FD, Netherlands - Al via "Conversazioni sul futuro": 4 giorni, 30 location e 250 ospiti nel nome della cultura
24 October 2018, LecceSette - What will Brexit mean for us?
1 September 2018, The Corkman - UCC economist: No-deal Brexit will knock Ireland back into recession
30 August 2018, The Avondhu - May’s Brexit Plan Comes Just in Time for Supply Chains
11 July 2018, The Wall Street Journal - Uneasy, Frustrated, But Still 'Contrary': Why Birmingham Is Losing Patience About Brexit
8 July 2018, Huffington Post - Jeremy Corbyn must go 'over the hill' and back a second Brexit referendum, leading Labour MEP says
4 July 2018, Business Insider - Businesses need to prepare for hard Brexit
22 June 2018, The Straits Times - Business should be ready for a hard Brexit
21 June 2018, The Royal Gazette - Business Should Brace for the Worst Kind of Brexit
20 June 2018, Bloomberg Opinion - Cette Angleterre que le Brexit rejouit
18 May 2018, Ouest-France - Future of Europe: politicians and academics share view that more regional and local authorities' power must be reflected in the EU
11 April 2018, European Committee of the Regions - Scotland needs EU freedom of movement to halt falling population
11 April 2018, Euractiv - Letter of the week: Hartlepool MP's Brexit views are against majority of public vote
2 March 2018, Hartlepool Mail - New report shows Brexit creating significant tensions between Westminster and devolved and local government
The UK in a Changing Europe, 8 March 2018 - Why areas which voted Leave will be hardest hit by Brexit
Sunderland Echo, 15 February 2018 - The Midlands and the North of England are more exposed to Brexit than any other region in Europe
City Metric, 12 February 2018 - Leave-voting regions will be hit hardest by the Brexit fallout
INews, 9 February 2018 - How Brexit will hit different UK regions and industries
YahooNewsUK, 9 February 2018 - 'No deal' Brexit could put more than 2.5 million jobs at risk, study warns
Evening Standards, 29 January 2018 - Financial services best placed to weather no-deal Brexit storm
CityA.M., 29 January 2018 - Project fear DEBUNKED: Brexit impact on financial services ‘will be negligible’
Express, 29 January 2018 - UK Gov't Reassures Private Sector Over Brexit Concerns, Stresses Solid Growth
Sputnik International, 27 January 2018 - Die City braucht keine Sonderbehandlung
Neue Zürcher Zeitung, 27 January 2018 - U.K. Wants Finance Included in Brexit Deal. Is That a Mistake?
Bloomberg, 27 January 2018 - ‘No deal’ Brexit will leave a question mark over millions of jobs, study shows
The Belfst Telegraph, 26 January 2018 - The impact of Brexit on Financial Services
Europe Diplomatic, 26 January 2018 - Impact of Brexit on financial services will be negligible
WSJ, 26 January 2018 - Brexit: le patron de JPMorgan durcit le ton contre Londres
Le Monde, 26 January 2018 - Harter Brexit träfe auch europäische Regionen
Swiss Public Radio, 26 January 2018 - ‘No deal’ Brexit will leave a question mark over millions of jobs, study shows (January)
25 Jan 2018, The Belfast Telegraph - Chi pagherà davvero Brexit in Europa?
Il Post, 16 January 2018 - New research finds the areas of the UK that could be hurt most by Brexit are those that voted for it
Quartz, 21 December 2017 - Parts of UK that voted Brexit, like Doncaster, most exposed to its effects, report says
South Yorkshire Times, 21 December 2017 - Parts of UK that voted Brexit, like Sheffield, most exposed to its effects, report says
The Star, 21 December 2017 - The areas that voted for Brexit are ‘more exposed to its risks’
Wales Online, 20 December 2017 - UK Regions That Voted To Leave EU Are More Vulnerable To Effects Of Brexit, University Of Birmingham’s Research Shows
Huffington Post, 20 December 2017 - Parts of UK that voted Brexit are most exposed to its effects, report says
The Guardian, 20 December 2017 - New report say regional economies are at risk from Brexit deal
Sunderland Echo, 20 December 2017 - UK more likely to suffer economic disaster than EU countries after Brexit
Metro, 19 December 2017 - 5 to 10: advertising, taxes, EU, Brexit, growth
Okomomen Blog, 19 December 2017 - Exposure to Brexit in regions on both sides of the Channel
Vox EU Blog, 19 December 2017 - UK is five times as exposed to Brexit risk as EU
The Yorkshire Post, 19 December 2017 - Brexit could cost North East economy £600m, new study reveals
Chronicle Live, 19 December 2017 - Losing single market access 'far more damaging' to UK than remaining EU countries, study claims
Evening Standard, 19 December 2017 - Why the UK has the weakest hand in the Brexit negotiations
The New Statesman, 19 December 2017 - Brexit Could Reduce Cumbria's Economy By A Fifth, Researchers Say
Lakeland Radio, 19 December 2017 - Brexit is an opportunity to tackle inequality
Politico, 19 December 2017 - Brexit’s Impact on Britain’s Regions and Cities
EA Worldview, 15 December 2017 - Regional Brexit exposure
GGDC Blog, 29 September 2017 - Jeremy Corbyn's 'Brexit Blairism' And 5 Other Things Experts Found A Year On From The Referendum
Huffington Post, 22 June 2017 - Brexit gives rise to new political identities – new report, one year on from EU referendum, finds
Political Studies Association, 22 June 2017 - Birmingham leads Brexit impact research projects
University of Birmingham, 19 April 2017 - New Brexit research announced
The UK in a Changing Europe, 18 April 2017
Project contacts and details
Project contacts and details
Project support: Stuart Mitchell,
Centre Manager, City-REDI
Email: s.mitchell@bham.ac.uk
Regional participatory workshop presentations
Regional participatory workshop presentations
- Devolved Administrations – 4th May 2018, Edinburgh
- West Midlands – 11th May 2018, Birmingham
- Greater London – 18th May 2018
- North of England – 21st May 2018, Leeds
'The Economic Impacts of Brexit in Europe' event - 22 Feb 2019, Brussels
'The Economic Impacts of Brexit in Europe' event - 22 Feb 2019, Brussels
City-REDI, supported by ESRC, The UK in a Changing EU, hosted a Brexit Summit to bring together political and business leaders, together with academics and European leaders to discuss the likely impact of Brexit in the European regions and to agree the urgent actions that need to be taken in the crucial months ahead.