Francesco Maria Esposito

Dr Francesco Maria Esposito

The Department of Economics
Assistant Professor in Economics

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Birmingham Business School
Department of Economics
University of Birmingham
B15 2TT

Francesco joined the department following completion of his PhD at Brown University. His main research interests are in labour economics and political economy. While Francesco’s current projects focus on workers' mental health as well as employment protection, another branch of his work analyze voting laws, political donations, and media influences.

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  • PhD in Economics, Brown University, 2021
  • MSc in Economics, Catholic University of the Sacred Heart (Milan), 2014
  • BA in Economics and Social Sciences, Bocconi University, 2011


In 2015 Francesco was awarded the Bonaldo Stringher scholarship by the Bank of Italy for his work on individual political donations in the US. His current work investigates on core aspects of labor economics and political economy, which are at the centre of open debates.

On the one hand, he analyzes workers’ mental health following layoffs and how employment protection legislation affects firms’ decisions to create and destroy jobs. On the other hand, he studies how politicians, voters and public officials respond to changes in voting laws or salient issues covered by the media.


  • LH - Labour Economics
  • LM - Game Theory


Research interests

  • Labour Economics
  • Political Economy

Current projects

  • Workers’ Mental Health
  • Employment Protection
  • Fake News and Voters’ Beliefs
  • Voting Laws
  • Political Donations
  • Media Influences


Esposito, F.M., Focanti, D., Hastings, J.S. (2019) Effects of Photo ID laws on registration and turnout: Evidence from Rhode Island, NBER Working Paper 25503

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