Dr Ekaterina Kazak

Dr Ekaterina Kazak

The Department of Economics
Associate Professor in Econometrics

Contact details

Birmingham Business School

Dr Ekaterina Kazak is an econometrician, who joined the Department of Economics in September 2024. Her research interests lie at the intersection of machine learning and econometrics.


  • PhD in Econometrics, University of Konstanz, Germany, 2019
  • MSc in Econometrics, University of Konstanz, Germany, 2015
  • BSc in Economics, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Russia, 2013


Ekaterina joined the Department of Economics in September 2024. Previously she worked at the University of Manchester as a lecturer in Econometrics. She did her PhD in Econometrics at the Chair of Economics and Econometrics at the University of Konstanz in Germany.


  • Applied Econometrics and Policy Analysis, compulsory MSc Economics course
  • Advanced Quantitative Methods for Data Analytics, elective MSc Money, Banking and Finance


Research interests:

  • Financial Econometrics: portfolio choice, Value-at-Risk and Expected Shortfall
  • Statistical Learning: bagging, decision trees
  • Econometrics: robust inference, bootstrap, pretesting, and forecast evaluation


Recent publications


Menkveld, AJ, Dreber, A, Holzmeister, F, Huber, J, Johannesson, M, Kirchler, M, Neusüß, S, Razen, M, Weitzel, U, Abad‐Díaz, D, Abudy, M, Adrian, T, Ait‐Sahalia, Y, Akmansoy, O, Alcock, JT, Alexeev, V, Aloosh, A, Amato, L, Amaya, D, Angel, JJ, Avetikian, AT, Bach, A, Baidoo, E, Bakalli, G, Bao, L, Barbon, A, Bashchenko, O, Bindra, PC, Bjønnes, GH, Black, JR, Black, BS, Bogoev, D, Correa, SB, Bondarenko, O, Bos, CS, Bosch‐Rosa, C, Bouri, E, Brownlees, C, Calamia, A, Cao, VN, Capelle‐Blancard, G, Romero, LMC, Caporin, M, Carrion, A, Caskurlu, T, Chakrabarty, B, Chen, J, Chernov, M, Cheung, W, Chincarini, LB, Chordia, T, Chow, SC, Clapham, B, Colliard, JE, Comerton‐Forde, C, Curran, E, Dao, T, Dare, W, Davies, RJ, Blasis, RD, Nard, GFD, Declerck, F, Deev, O, Degryse, H, Deku, SY, Desagre, C, van Dijk, MA, Dim, C, Dimpfl, T, Dong, YJ, Drummond, PA, Dudda, T, Duevski, T, Dumitrescu, A, Dyakov, T, Dyhrberg, AH, Dzieliński, M, Eksi, A, Kalak, IE, Ellen, ST, Eugster, N, Evans, MDD, Farrell, M, Felez‐vinas, E, Ferrara, G, Ferrouhi, EM, Flori, A, Fluharty‐jaidee, JT, Foley, SDV, Fong, KYL, Foucault, T, Franus, T, Franzoni, F, Frijns, B, Frömmel, M, Fu, SM, Füllbrunn, SC, Gan, B, Gao, G, Gehrig, TP, Gemayel, R, Gerritsen, D, Gil‐Bazo, J, Gilder, D, Glosten, LR, Gomez, T, Gorbenko, A, Grammig, J, Grégoire, V, Güçbilmez, U, Hagströmer, B, Hambuckers, J, Hapnes, E, Harris, JH, Harris, L, Hartmann, S, Hasse, JB, Hautsch, N, He, XZ, Heath, D, Hediger, S, Hendershott, T, Hibbert, AM, Hjalmarsson, E, Hoelscher, SA, Hoffmann, P, Holden, CW, Horenstein, AR, Huang, W, Huang, D, Hurlin, C, Ilczuk, K, Ivashchenko, A, Iyer, SR, Jahanshahloo, H, Jalkh, N, Jones, CM, Jurkatis, S, Jylhä, P, Kaeck, AT, Kaiser, G, Karam, A, Karmaziene, E, Kassner, B, Kaustia, M, Kazak, E, Kearney, F, Kervel, VV, Khan, SA, Khomyn, MK, Klein, T, Klein, O, Klos, A, Koetter, M, Kolokolov, A, Korajczyk, RA, Kozhan, R, Krahnen, JP, Kuhle, P, Kwan, A, Lajaunie, Q, Lam, FYEC, Lambert, M, Langlois, H, Lausen, J, Lauter, T, Leippold, M, Levin, V, Li, Y, Li, H, Liew, CY, Lindner, T, Linton, O, Liu, J, Liu, A, Llorente, G, Lof, M, Lohr, A, Longstaff, F, Lopez‐Lira, A, Mankad, S, Mano, N, Marchal, A, Martineau, C, Mazzola, F, Meloso, D, Mi, MG, Mihet, R, Mohan, V, Moinas, S, Moore, D, Mu, L, Muravyev, D, Murphy, D, Neszveda, G, Neumeier, C, Nielsson, U, Nimalendran, M, Nolte, S, Norden, LL, O'Neill, P, Obaid, K, Ødegaard, BA, Östberg, P, Pagnotta, E, Painter, M, Palan, S, Palit, IJ, Park, A, Pascual, R, Pasquariello, P, Pastor, L, Patel, V, Patton, AJ, Pearson, ND, Pelizzon, L, Pelli, M, Pelster, M, Pérignon, C, Pfiffer, C, Philip, R, Plíhal, T, Prakash, P, Press, O, Prodromou, T, Prokopczuk, M, Putnins, T, Qian, Y, Raizada, G, Rakowski, D, Ranaldo, A, Regis, L, Reitz, S, Renault, T, Renjie, RW, Reno, R, Riddiough, SJ, Rinne, K, Rintamäki, P, Riordan, R, Rittmannsberger, T, Longarela, IR, Roesch, D, Rognone, L, Roseman, B, Roşu, I, Roy, S, Rudolf, N, Rush, SR, Rzayev, K, Rzeźnik, AA, Sanford, A, Sankaran, H, Sarkar, A, Sarno, L, Scaillet, O, Scharnowski, S, Schenk‐hoppé, KR, Schertler, A, Schneider, M, Schroeder, F, Schürhoff, N, Schuster, P, Schwarz, MA, Seasholes, MS, Seeger, NJ, Shachar, O, Shkilko, A, Shui, J, Sikic, M, Simion, G, Smales, LA, Söderlind, P, Sojli, E, Sokolov, K, Sönksen, J, Spokeviciute, L, Stefanova, D, Subrahmanyam, MG, Szaszi, B, Talavera, O, Tang, Y, Taylor, N, Tham, WW, Theissen, E, Thimme, J, Tonks, I, Tran, H, Trapin, L, Trolle, AB, Vaduva, MA, Valente, G, van Ness, RA, Vasquez, A, Verousis, T, Verwijmeren, P, Vilhelmsson, A, Vilkov, G, Vladimirov, V, Vogel, S, Voigt, S, Wagner, W, Walther, T, Weiss, P, Wel, MVD, Werner, IM, Westerholm, PJ, Westheide, C, Wika, HC, Wipplinger, E, Wolf, M, Wolff, CCP, Wolk, L, Wong, WK, Wrampelmeyer, J, Wu, ZX, Xia, S, Xiu, D, Xu, K, Xu, C, Yadav, PK, Yagüe, J, Yan, C, Yang, A, Yoo, W, Yu, W, Yu, Y, Yu, S, Yueshen, BZ, Yuferova, D, Zamojski, M, Zareei, A, Zeisberger, SM, Zhang, L, Zhang, SS, Zhang, X, Zhao, L, Zhong, Z, Zhou, ZI, Zhou, C, Zhu, XS, Zoican, M & Zwinkels, R 2024, 'Nonstandard Errors', The Journal of Finance. https://doi.org/10.1111/jofi.13337

Einfeldt, M, Sevastjanova, R, Zahner-Ritter, K, Kazak, E & Braun, B 2024, 'The use of active learning systems for stimulus selection and response modelling perception experiments', Computer Speech and Language, vol. 83, 101537. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.csl.2023.101537

Kazak, E & Pohlmeier, W 2023, 'Bagged Pretested Portfolio Selection', Journal of Business and Economic Statistics, vol. 41, no. 4, pp. 1116-1131. https://doi.org/10.1080/07350015.2022.2110880

Heiler, P & Kazak, E 2021, 'Valid inference for treatment effect parameters under irregular identification and many extreme propensity scores', Journal of Econometrics, vol. 222, no. 2, pp. 1083-1108. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jeconom.2020.03.025

Kazak, E & Pohlmeier, W 2019, 'Testing out-of-sample portfolio performance', International Journal of Forecasting, vol. 35, no. 2, pp. 540-554. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijforecast.2018.09.010

Chapter (peer-reviewed)

Pohlmeier, W & Kazak, K 2024, Can We Give the Maximum Sharpe Ratio Portfolio a Chance? in S Knoth, Y Okhrin & P Otto (eds), Advanced Statistical Methods in Process Monitoring, Finance, and Environmental Science: Essays in Honour of Wolfgang Schmid. 1 edn, Springer, pp. 337–366. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-69111-9_16

Conference contribution

Einfeldt, M, Sevastjanova, R, Zahner-Ritter, K, Kazak, E & Braun, B 2021, Reliable estimates of interpretable cue effects with active learning in psycholinguistic research. in Interspeech 2021. Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association, ISCA, pp. 1743-1747, 22nd Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association, INTERSPEECH 2021, Brno, Czech Republic, 30/08/21. https://doi.org/10.21437/Interspeech.2021-1524

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