Lisa Hill, BMedSc Neuroscience, 2010 | Research Fellow

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Dr Lisa Hill, BMedSc (Neuroscience), 2010 | Lecturer 

Lisa obtained a PhD in Neuroscience in 2015 and has since been employed as Lecturer in the Department of Biomedical Sciences in the School of Infection, Inflammation and Immunology. 

What is your current role and what does it involve?

I work on translational ophthalmic research investigating new treatments for ocular diseases (Glaucoma and Age-related Macular Degeneration) and ocular drug delivery. It involves working directly in the laboratory to test new treatments as well as working as part of a multidisciplinary team of biomaterial scientists, pharmacists and clinicians with the aim to developing new treatments to prevent or restore sight loss. I am also responsible for training up the next generation of scientists through supervising PhD projects and lecturing undergraduated on our Biomedical Science and Pharmacy degrees!

What do you love the most about your job and what is the biggest challenge?

I love the variability of my work and the challenging aspects of translational research. We are developing sight-saving treatments, some of which are entering into clinical trials – this is a very exciting time for us. And it’s an exciting time to be in science. The biggest challenge for me is completing experiments whilst writing papers and grants but with some good time management I can still time find for a social life! It’s all about creating a good work-life balance and often as a Lecturer it’s hard not to work 24/7. However, you get out what you put in, so for me it’s a challenge that I enjoy.

How did your degree help prepare you for your career?

My career is directly related to my degree. Starting as an undergraduate I was always focussed on Neuroscience from year 1 – however, as the course progressed I really appreciated the other modules and appreciated that human biology is not just about one system – all the modules including cell biology, anatomy and physiology of various systems were all really useful. Also, the hands-on laboratory experience offered by very enthusiastic lecturers and professors was superb and it was really getting this experience that inspired me to embark on a career in science here at the University of Birmingham.

Why did you choose to study Biomedical Science at Birmingham?

I actually started on the Psychology course at the University of Birmingham and during a biology lecture learning about neurons I realised how much I wanted to transfer over into biomedical science to learn more of human anatomy and physiology. I was hooked and determined to gain expertise in Neuroscience for my final year project!

It was an easy transfer to the medical science degree and I wanted to stay at UoB for its excellent reputation and good job prospects offered from obtaining a degree from here. 

How would you sum up your time in Birmingham in three words?

Inspiring, challenging, worthwhile

What inspired you most during your time as a student?

Lecturers and research opportunities at UoB really inspired me throughout the degree. It was a thriving campus and the atmosphere was always positive.

What advice would you give to people who are considering studying Biomedical Science at Birmingham?

Attend open-days to see the campus and meet the tutors on the course.

What advice would you give to current Biomedical Science students who are still undecided about which career to go into?

Speak to lecturers and post-docs about career options. There are dedicated teams on campus who can help with career progression. Get some experience where you can, for example, getting summer laboratory projects if a career in research is an ambition.