Centre for Responsible Business

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Urgent Business Conference

On our ‘Urgent Business: Getting on the pathway to reach the Global Goals by 2030’ conference page, you can re-watch our expert panel discussions, and pass them on to inspire action to help society reach the global goals before it's too late.

Five years of the Centre for Responsible Business

Here you will find our archive of events, news and videos, providing a showcase of the Centre's successes during those five years, and offering responsible business learning to all, academic and industry alike, and we at the Centre are looking forward to a bright, responsible future.

What's happening

Take a look back through our events and engagements from the past five years.

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The Centre for Responsible Business is a strategic initiative from Birmingham Business School. If you’d like to get in touch please contact our Communications and Admin Officer Elizabeth Oliver at e.a.oliver@bham.ac.uk.

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