Network Plus: Shifting Global Polarities

New research to help build a secure and resilient world

The Network Plus initiative unites leading experts and research centres from the UK and overseas to address research gaps and needs during a period of significant societal, geopolitical, and environmental change across the Eurasian landmass.

The funding was awarded by UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) as part of their Building a Secure and Resilient World strategic theme. UK Research and Innovation creates knowledge with impact by investing over £8 billion a year in research and innovation through the UK’s nine leading funding councils. Network partners include the Universities of Birmingham, Glasgow, Manchester and Oxford, together with the Institute of Development Studies and the Royal United Services Institute in the UK. Overseas, partners include Colgate University in the USA; the Ukrainian Catholic University; OSCE Academy Bishkek in Kyrgyzstan; National Taiwan University; Helsinki University in Finland; and Hokkaido University in Japan.

About the project

This Network Plus brings together more than 30 academics, policymakers, and artists from leading centres of excellence, expertise, and training (7 UK and 6 Overseas) to comprehend, evaluate and address the challenges evident across a region encompassing Russia, China, Eastern Europe, the Balkans, and Central and Eastern Asia. It aims to create new syntheses, knowledge and networks, build new capacities, and train and mentor early career academics and policymakers.

More specifically, it aims to advance innovative new partnerships within academic and policy circles linked to a range of urgent thematic areas including social upheaval, geopolitics and security, environmental crisis, human rights, Russia-China relations, and post- conflict reconstruction. Through the network, open calls for new research, policy & research training, and arts-based initiatives will be funded each year between 2024 and 2028. In addition, there will be annual workshop devoted to priority emerging themes. 

Read the news article about the project

Past calls

Network partners and contacts

Other Universities and Institutions involved in Network Plus

Project Officer

Colgate University

Glasgow University

Institute of Development Studies (IDS)

Manchester University

Oxford University

The Royal United Services Institute (RUSI)

Ukrainian Catholic University

Volodymy Turchynovsky

Maksym Kolyba

Nataliya Yakymets

Network Artistic Lead

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    Network partners