Family Law Reform Now 2021 Conference

If you could change one thing in family law, what would it be?

Speakers at our Family Law Reform Now conference in September 2021 presented and explored ten different answers to this question, showcasing important ideas for family law reform from across academia and legal practice.

Organised in collaboration with the Law Commission, all proposals received for the conference were provided to the Commission as consultation responses for its 14th Programme of Law Reform, as well as becoming part of an edited collection, to be published by Hart in 2024.

Presentations from the Family Law Reform Now conference

Introduction and welcome

Lisa Webley, Head of the Law School, University of Birmingham 

A review of children’s rights when parents live apart

Anne Barlow and Jan Ewing, University of Exeter

Reforming birth registration in England and Wales

Philip Bremner, Royal Holloway, Craig Lind and Maria Moscati, University of Sussex

Reform of the legal framework for origin information in assisted reproduction

Alan Brown and Katherine Wade, Universities of Glasgow and Leicester

Grandparent act or granny ‘annex’? Waiting for the government?

Samantha Davey, University of Essex 

'A legal support bill for children in 'cross over' cases?

Mavis Maclean, University of Oxford

A new law of family property

Sharon Thompson, Cardiff University

Reform of financial provision on divorce

Baroness Ruth Deech QC (Hon.)

The intimate adult relationships bill

Russell Sandberg, Cardiff University

Breach of Promise to Marry Legally

Rajnaara Akhtar and Rebecca Probert, De Montfort University and University of Exeter

Protecting cohabitants upon relationship breakdown

Andrew Hayward, Durham University

Closing remarks

Nick Hopkins (Law Commissioner)