
The Network for Oratory and Politics is an interdisciplinary network for anyone interested in oratory and politics across history and regions.

If you would like to become a member, email with your name, affiliation and research interests.

Steering committee

Henriette van der Blom (CAHA, University of Birmingham) - Principal Investigator

Henriette van der Blom is Director of the Network for Oratory and Politics. Henriette is an ancient historian who researches Roman political culture and the ways in which public oratory influenced political behaviour and decision-making. She has published extensively on Roman political oratory and memorialisation and would like to move this interest into a comparative mode through the activities of the Network for Oratory and Politics.

Ernest Schonfield (German, University of Glasgow)

Ernest Schonfield is Lecturer in German in the School of Modern Languages and Cultures, University of Glasgow. He writes on modern German literature with particular emphasis on social politics. He is also interested in the uses and reception of oratory and rhetoric in modern German culture and politics. His monograph Art and its Uses in Thomas Mann’s Felix Krull was published in 2008.

Gesine Manuwald (Latin and Greek, UCL)

Gesine Manuwald is Professor of Latin at University College London (UCL). Her research interests include the oratory of the famous Roman writer and politician Marcus Tullius Cicero. She has published a commentary and a bilingual edition on Cicero’s Philippic Orations as well as a number of articles on various aspects of his speeches. In several of these publications as well as in talks and in her teaching, she has looked at the relationship between oratory and politics and the role of performance with respect to the impact of a speech. She hopes that NOP will make it possible to explore such questions in greater depth by enabling comparisons between countries and periods and discussions of the relevant material.


  • Dr Jon Hesk (School of Classics, University of St Andrews)
  • Dr Dominic Berry (School of History, Classics and Archaeology, University of Edinburgh)
  • Mr Brian Jenner (founder of the European Speechwriter Network)


  • Mr Sebastian Altamirano Pacheco (School of Philology, Linguistics and Literature; Universidad de Costa Rica)
  • Dr Stuart Airlie (School of Humanities, University of Glasgow)
  • Mr Peter Aitchison (Director of Media and Public Relations, University of Glasgow)
  • Dr Jovan Andonovski (Independent Researcher, Republic of Macedonia)
  • Ms Cynthia Ayusta
  • Dr Andrea Balbo (Dipartimento di Studi Umanistici, Università degli Studi di Torino)
  • Dr Giuseppe Ballaci (Centre for Ethics, Politics and Society, University of Minho (CEPS; Portugal)/Adjunct Professor, IE University of Madrid)
  • Mr Sam Ballard-Robinson
  • Mr Grant Barclay
  • Mr Alan Barker
  • Mr Christian Barry
  • Dr Stephen Bates (Political Science and International Studies, University of Birmingham)
  • Dr Joe Bennett (Department of English Literature, University of Birmingham)
  • Ms Nicole Berto
  • Mr Don Bishop
  • Mrs Jane Bishop
  • Dr Luke Blaxill (Faculty of History, University of Oxford)
  • Dr Karin Bowie (School of Humanities, University of Glasgow)
  • Dr Sarah Bremner
  • Professor Dauvit Broun (School of Humanities, University of Glasgow)
  • Professor David Brown (Faculty of Humanities, University of Southampton)
  • Dr Jonathan Brown (School of Law, University of Strathclyde)
  • Ms Angrekka Bulan
  • Dr Christopher Burden-Strevens (Classical and Archaeological Studies, Kent)
  • Prof Mirko Canevaro (School of History, Classics and Archaeology, University of Edinburgh)
  • Ms Graciela Carillo
  • Dr Maria Castrillo (Curator of Political Collections, National Library of Scotland)
  • Dr Nicholas Cole (Faculty of History, University of Oxford)
  • Dr Hannah Cornwell (Classics, Ancient History and Archaeology, University of Birmingham)
  • Ms Christine Cosh
  • Dr Andrew Scott Crines (School of Politics and International Studies, University of Liverpool)
  • Mr John Crotty
  • Dr Tom Cutterham (Department of History, University of Birmingham)
  • Ms Laura Davis
  • Mr Peter Donaldson
  • Mr Guy Doza (Cambridge Speechwriter)
  • Professor Mike Edwards (Dept of Humanities, University of Roehampton, President of the International Society of the History of Rhetoric)
  • Mr Manal Elshihry (Business School, University of Aberdeen / Faculty of Economic and Social Sciences, Cairo University)
  • Mr Anton Erogov
  • Mr Rodger Evans (Clerk and speech writer for MSPs, Scottish Parliament)
  • Dr Catherine Fagan (School of Education, University of Glasgow)
  • Ms Natalia Miranda Fernandes da Silva (University of São Paulo, Brazil)
  • Dr Jakub Filonik (Institute of Literary Studies, University of Silesia)
  • Professor Alan Finlayson (School of Political, Social and International Studies, University of East Anglia)
  • Mr Johannes Fischer
  • Dr Neil Foxlee (Lately Senior Research Fellow, University of Central Lancashire / Visiting Lecturer in Rhetoric, Liverpool Institute of Performing Arts)
  • Professor John Gibson
  • Dr Elena Giusti (Department of Classics and Ancient History, University of Warwick)
  • Dr Rob Goodman (Department of Politics and Public Administration, Toronto Metropolitan University)
  • Ms Evgenia Gorbatenko
  • Dr Steven Gormley (Lecturer in Philosophy, University of Essex)
  • Mr Dan Grinevics (University of Glasgow, European Youth Parliament)
  • Ms Trudi Hamer
  • Dr Samir Halliru (Dept. of Adult Education and Community Services, Bayero University Kano, Nigeria)
  • Mr Edward Harkins
  • Mr Thomas Hart
  • Dr Sophia Hatzisavvidou (Department of Politics, Languages & International Studies, University of Bath)
  • Dr Naomi Head (School of Social and Political Sciences, University of Glasgow)
  • Dr Jennifer Hilder (Classics and Ancient History, University of Durham)
  • Dr Justin Hindmarsh (independent scholar)
  • Dr Arlene Holmes-Henderson (Faculty of Classics, University of Oxford)
  • Ms Olivia Huntingdon-Stuart
  • Ms Emma Hyndman
  • Dr Narcís Iglésias (Department of Languages and Communication, University of Girona)
  • Mr Tornike Japaridze
  • Dr. Evan Jewell (Department of History, Rutgers)
  • Ms Sema Karatas (Ancient History, University of Cologne)
  • Dr James Kelly (Dept of English, University of Exeter)
  • Dr Joanna Kenty (Classics, Radboud University, Nijmegen, the Netherlands)
  • Professor Jens E. Kjeldsen (Department of Information Science and Media Studies, University of Bergen / President of the Rhetoric Society of Europe)
  • Dr Panagiotes Kontonasios (Department of Linguistic and Intercultural Studies, University of Thessaly, Greece)
  • Dr Christos Kremmydas (Department of Classics, Royal Holloway, Univ. of London)
  • Ms Hannah Kunzik (School of Social Sciences, University of Glasgow)
  • Dr Giuseppe La Bua (Department of Ancient World Studies of Sapienza University of Rome)
  • Ms Eleanor Lathbridge
  • Ms Naomi Lea (Department of History, University of Birmingham)
  • Dr Sara Lodge (School of English, St Andrews)
  • Mr Sebastian Ludwicki-Zeigler
  • Mr Mauro di Lullo
  • Ms Francesca McCarty
  • Ms Alexandra McKay
  • Dr William Mack (Classics, Ancient History and Archaeology, University of Birmingham)
  • Mr Dharmachari Mahasiddhi (Chaplaincy - University Hospitals Birmingham)
  • Mr Matthew McGlaughlin
  • Dr Manuela Mari (Greek History, University of Cassino and Southern Latium)
  • Professor James Martin (Department of Politics; Goldsmiths, Univ. of London – leader of Political Studies Association specialist group on ‘rhetoric and politics’)
  • Ms Egle Michalovaita
  • Dr David Moon (Department of Politics, Languages & International Studies, University of Bath)
  • Mr Nelson Mundell (School of Humanities, University of Glasgow)
  • Ms Salome Nillson
  • Miss Seren Nolan
  • Dr Cian O’Driscoll (School of Social and Political Sciences, University of Glasgow)
  • Dr Ellen O'Gorman (University of Bristol)
  • Ms Juliana Penha
  • Professor Gregory Philo (Glasgow University Media Group, University of Glasgow)
  • Professor Francisco Pina Polo (Ciencias de la Antigüedad, University of Zaragoza, Spain)
  • Professor Jonathan Powell (Department of Classics, Royal Holloway, Univ. of London)
  • Dr Jonathan Prag (Faculty of Classics, University of Oxford)
  • Dr Chris Reid
  • Mr Darren Reid
  • Mr Dan Renwick
  • Mr John Roberts
  • Professor Elizabeth Robertson (School of Critical Studies, University of Glasgow)
  • Dr Cristina Rosillo-López (Department of Ancient History, Universidad Pablo de Olavide)
  • Mr Henry Rothery
  • Professor Lene Rubinstein (Department of Classics, Royal Holloway, Univ. of London, Director of the Centre for Oratory and Rhetoric at Royal Holloway)
  • Dr Amy Russell, (Classics, Brown University)
  • Professor Federico Santangelo (School of History, Classics and Archaeology, Newcastle University)
  • Mr Taym Saleh
  • Dr Ben Salisbury
  • Professor Joachim Schaper (School of Divinity, History and Philosophy, University of Aberdeen)
  • Mr Kevin Schlenker
  • Professor Philip Schlesinger (School of Culture and Creative Arts, University of Glasgow)
  • Dr Simon Scott (Liberal Arts and Natural Sciences, University of Birmingham)
  • Dr Daniel Scroop (School of Humanities, University of Glasgow)
  • Ms Lisa Seibold
  • Dr Andreas Serafim (Classics, Open University Cyprus / University of Cyprus / UCL)
  • Ms Yasmeen Shah
  • Dr Richard Shorten (POLSIS, University of Birmingham)
  • Mr Drew Smith
  • Dr Ty Solomon (School of Social and Political Sciences, University of Glasgow)
  • Zhi Song
  • Mr Rafael Filipe Souza (National Agency of Petroleum, Natural Gas and Biofuels (Rio de Janeiro/Brazil))
  • Professor Diana Spencer (Classics, Ancient History and Archaeology, University of Birmingham)
  • Dr Scott Spurlock (School of Critical Studies, University of Glasgow)
  • Professor Catherine Steel (School of Humanities, University of Glasgow)
  • Mr Gavin Stewart
  • Mr Kieran Stewart
  • Mr Neil Stewart (Clerk and speech writer for MSPs, Scottish Parliament)
  • Mr Ian Styler
  • Dr Ingrida Tatolytė (Institute for Literary, Cultural and Translation Studies, Vilnius University)
  • Mr Darius Dimitri Tamba Nana
  • Dr Helen Tank (University of Birmingham)
  • Dr Kathryn Tempest (Dept of Humanities, University of Roehampton)
  • Dr Seth Thévoz (Leadership Centre for Local Government)
  • Ms Isabel Tong
  • Ms Isabel Toribio
  • Professor Richard Toye (Dept. of History, University of Exeter)
  • Dr Mary Anne Trasciatti (Department of Rhetoric, Hofstra University)
  • Dr Nicholas Turnbull (Politics/School of Social Sciences, University of Manchester)
  • Dr Anne Ulrich (Seminar für Allgemeine Rhetorik, Universität Tübingen)
  • Mr John Vice (Editor, House of Lords Official Report (Hansard))
  • Mr Mann Virdee
  • Mr William Wallace
  • Mr Charlie Ward (Professional speechwriter, London)
  • Ms Jessica Warriner
  • Ms Laura Watson
  • Ms Laura Westring (speechwriter and speech coach, Edinburgh)
  • Dr Guy Westwood (Faculty of Classics, University of Oxford)
  • Professor David Wiles (emeritus), Department of Drama, University of Exeter)
  • Professor Jaap Wisse (School of History, Classics and Archaeology, Newcastle University
  • Mr Theo Zenou (School of History, Classics & Archaeology, University of Edinburgh)