ITSEE Publications

Institute for Textual Scholarship and Electronic Editing

Members of ITSEE have published a variety of monographs, collected volumes, papers and digital editions.

Recent publications include: 

There are also well-established key volumes such as:

Further publications

By subject area below

Electronic Editions

This page is an attempt to bring together links to all the electronic editions produced by scholars working in ITSEE since its foundation in 2005.


32. The Pseudo-Oecumenian Catena on Ephesians

Transcriptions and Synopsis of 17 manuscripts: doctoral work of Clark Bates, funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council (Midlands4Cities doctoral training partnership) (edition) (repository)

31. The Editio Critica Maior of Romans

Transcriptions and collation of Greek manuscripts of the Epistle to the Romans.
Funded by the European Union (ERC CATENA project) (transcriptions released 2021–2024) (collation, first release 2024) (repository and synopsis of 166 transcriptions, 2024) (repository of collation and nexus files, 2024)

30. The Editio Critica Maior of Ephesians

Transcriptions and collation of Greek manuscripts of the Epistle to the Ephesians.
Funded by the European Union (ERC CATENA project) (transcriptions released 2019–2022) (collation, first release 2023) (repository and synopsis of 163 transcriptions, 2024) (repository of collation and nexus files, 2024)

29. Family Π in the Gospel according to Mark

A collation of 27 manuscripts of Mark: doctoral work of Timothy Mitchell (edition) (repository) (transcriptions only)

28. The Pseudo-Oecumenian Catena on Romans

Transcriptions and Synopsis of 8 manuscripts: doctoral work of Jacopo Marcon, funded by the European Union (ERC CATENA project) (edition) (repository)

27. The Editio Critica Maior of Galatians

Transcriptions and collation of Greek manuscripts of the Epistle to the Galatians.
Funded by the British Academy and the European Union (ERC CATENA project) (transcriptions released 2014–2021) (collation, first release 2021) (repository and synopsis of 226 transcriptions, 2024) (repository of collation and nexus files, 2024)

26. Codex Zacynthius

Electronic edition of the oldest surviving Greek Catena Manuscript, including full transcriptions of GA 040, GA L299 and and English translation of the catena (2020)
see also

25. The Greek Manuscripts of 2 Thessalonians

Positive and Negative Apparatus and Transcriptions of 138 manuscripts of 2Thessalonians: doctoral work of Grant Edwards (awarded 2020)
see also

24. Estoria de Espanna Digital

A digital edition of the Estoria de Espanna of Alfonso X, King of Castile and Leon (AHRC: Aengus Ward) (2016)

23. Digital Magna Carta for the Society of Antiquaries of London

Electronic edition and Synopsis of three different versions (2015)

22. Qur’anic transcriptions

Supporting doctoral work by Alba Fedeli, including the Birmingham Qur’an (PhD, 2015) (ongoing)

21. Electronic texts of the Pauline Epistles in Latin

Funded by the European Union (ERC COMPAUL project)

  • Transcription of Budapest Latin Commentary (2013)
  • Transcriptions of 31 pre-Vulgate Latin manuscripts and commentaries of Romans, Corinthians and Galatians (completed 2013)
  • Database of 83,239 citations of Romans & Corinthians in Latin (2015)
  • Database of 11,764 citations of Galatians in Latin (2015)

20. Family 13 in John

Transcriptions of 13 manuscripts of John: doctoral work of Jac Perrin (awarded 2013)

  • Jac Perrin, Family 13 in St. John's Gospel. A Computer Assisted Phylogenetic Analysis (NTTSD 58). Leiden: Brill, 2018.

19. Virtual Shakespeare Performance Archive

Collaboration with Shakespeare Institute
Internal site only, due to copyright restrictions (2013)

18. Insular Gospels transcription site

Transcriptions of Latin manuscripts of the Gospels copied in Ireland (2012–)

17. IGNTP XML transcriptions of John

Full transcriptions of 244 Greek, 37 Latin and 14 Coptic witnesses to John (2012)

16. Workspace for Collaborative Editing

Online environment for editing manuscript traditions (2012–19) (2019–)
See also the full project description and the repository at

  • Transcription reconciler: released 2012
  • Citation manager: released 2012
  • XML browser-based transcription editor: released 2013
  • CollateX-based collation editor: released 2015

15. The Digital Codex Bezae

The oldest Greek–Latin bilingual gospel book, at Cambridge University (published 2012)
Latin pages:
Greek pages: (updated 2016)

14. Family 1 in John

Electronic Edition of 21 manuscripts of John: doctoral work of Alison Welsby (awarded 2012; 2nd edition 2014)

  • Alison Welsby, A Textual Study of Family 1 in the Gospel of John. ANTF 45, Berlin-Boston: de Gruyter, 2014.

13. Dante's Commedia

Transcripts, collations and analyses of seven key manuscripts of Dante's Commedia (The Divine Comedy) by Prue Shaw (published 2011)

12. The Virtual Manuscript Room

An online showcase for the Cadbury Research Library (2009–19)
Site transferred to Cadbury Research Library, 2019

  • first release with 71 Arabic, Syriac, Persian and Greek manuscripts: 2009
  • 26 screenplays, prompt books and manuscripts added for the Shakespeare Institute: 2011
  • 40 Hebrew manuscripts and 28 others added: 2015

11. Codex Sinaiticus digital edition

‘The World’s Oldest Bible’ reunited online (initial release 2008, complete edition 2009) (updated 2020) (current transcription repository)

See also:

  • Codex Sinaiticus, facsimile edition. Peabody MA: Hendrickson, 2009.
  • D.C. Parker, Codex Sinaiticus. The Story of the World’s Oldest Bible. British Library and Peabody MA: Hendrickson, 2010. German translation, German Bible Society, 2012
  • Scott McKendrick, David Parker, Amy Myshrall and Cillian O’Hogan, ed. Codex Sinaiticus. New Perspectives on the Ancient Biblical Manuscript. British Library and Peabody MA: Hendrickson, 2015.

10. Vetus Latina Iohannes Electronic Edition

The 37 manuscripts with a text preceding Jerome’s Vulgate (1st edn 2007, 2nd edn 2015).

Database of 61,368 quotations of John in Latin authors (2010)

  • P.H. Burton, H.A.G. Houghton, R.F. MacLachlan, D.C. Parker Vetus Latina 19. Iohannes. Freiburg: Herder, 2011–.
    Fascicle 1: John 1:1–4:48 (2011).
    Fascicle 2: John 4:48–9:41 (2013).

9. Byzantine Edition of John

An edition of 72 varied witnesses to the text of the Orthodox Church (1st edn 2007, 2nd edn 2014).

  • R.L. Mullen, with Simon Crisp and D.C. Parker et al., The Gospel of John in the Byzantine Tradition. Stuttgart: Deutsche Bibelgesellschaft, 2007

8. Greek Majuscule Manuscripts of John

The 70 Greek manuscripts of John in majuscule script (1st edn 2007, 2nd edn 2013).

  • U.B. Schmid, with W.J. Elliott and D.C. Parker, The New Testament in Greek IV. The Gospel according to St John. Volume Two. The Majuscules. Leiden: Brill, 2007.

7. Dante's Monarchia

Prue Shaw's acclaimed edited text and translation of Dante's remarkable treatise on political theory, supported by full transcripts of the text of all twenty manuscripts and of the 1559 editio princeps, together with digital images of all pages. (2006)

6. The Nun's Priest's Tale

Edited by Paul Thomas, Barbara Bordalejo and Orietta Da Rold; funded by Brigham Young University, The Exxon Foundation, The Leverhulme Trust, The Arts and Humanities Research Council and private donors (2006)

5. Protevangelium Jacobi

An electronic edition of Greek witnesses to the Infancy Gospel of James
Produced by Christopher Jordan and Alison Welsby for the MA in Editing Texts in Religion (2006).
ee also

4. The Court of Chivalry

Database of 17th century court records
Created by Prof. Richard Cust and Andrew Hopper (Dept. of History) (2006–2015) (standalone edition 2015) (2015–)

3. Clement's First Epistle to the Corinthians
An electronic edition of Clement's First Epistle in Syriac, Latin and Greek
Produced by Aaron W. Neill for the MA in Editing Texts in Religion (2005).

2. Parliament Rolls of Medieval England

Eight million words of transcription and translation of the parliament records of England from 1272 to 1504. Edited by Chris Given-Wilson et al. (2005)

1. The Bayeux Tapestry Digital Edition

Ground-breaking presentation of the whole of this tapestry, with source texts, maps, related images, and scholarly commentary, edited by Martin K. Foys. (2005)



Textual editions

Collected volumes

New Testament publications

International Greek New Testament Project

The Gospel according to John

The Gospel of John in the Byzantine Tradition

  • Mullen, R.L. with Crisp, S. and Parker D.C. (edd.) The Gospel of John in the Byzantine Tradition Deutsche Bibelgesellschaft 2007, ISBN 978 3 438 05132 5

The Codex Sinaiticus Project

  • Online edition of the manuscript presented by The British Library, the National Library of Russia, St Catherine's Monastery and Leipzig University Library (available at

The Codex Zacynthius Project

Vetus Latina Iohannes

  • A critical edition of the Old Latin evidence for the Gospel according to John:
    • P.H. Burton, H.A.G. Houghton, R.F. MacLachlan, D.C. Parker (edd.) Vetus Latina 19. Iohannes. Freiburg: Herder, 2011–.

Fascicle 1: John 1:1–4:48 (2011).
Fascicle 2: John 4:48–9:41 (2013).

The Principal Pauline Epistles

A collation of Old Latin witnesses for Romans, 1 & 2 Corinthians and Galatians:

The Digital Codex Bezae

  • A complete transcription of the Latin and Greek texts of Codex Bezae Cantabrigiensis, funded by Cambridge University Library and hosted at the Cambridge Digital Library

The Citations Database

The database contains citations of many Biblical books in Greek and Latin patristic authors up until the 8th Century. They have been collected over many years as part of several different projects based in ITSEE. The Latin citations have been prepared in conjunction with the Vetus Latina Institute and many of the Greek citations in conjunction with Biblindex.

Further transcriptions

The Canterbury Tales and other non-biblical manuscripts

Peter Robinson The Miller's Tale on CD-ROM SDE 2004 (homepage)

Barbara Bordalejo Caxton's Canterbury Tales: The British Library copies SDE 2003

Estelle Stubbs The Hengwrt Chaucer Digital Facsimile SDE 2000

Ceridwen Lloyd-Morgan The Hengwrt Chaucer Standard Edition in CD-ROM SDE 2003

Paul Thomas The Nun's Priest's Tale SDE 2006

Parliament Rolls of Medieval England

Eight million words of transcription and translation of the parliament records of England from 1272 to 1504. Edited by Chris Given-Wilson et al.

Dante's Monarchia

Prue Shaw's acclaimed edited text and translation of Dante's remarkable treatise on political theory. Shaw's text is supported by full transcripts of the text of all twenty manuscripts and of the 1559 editio princeps, together with digital images of all pages, many of them newly made in high-resolution full colour. SDE 2006.

Digital Magna Carta

Electronic edition and synopsis of three different versions of Magna Carta held by the Society of Antiquaries of London, produced in 2015 for the eight hundredth anniversary of Magna Carta.

Other Manuscripts

Bayeux Tapestry Digital Edition

Ground-breaking presentation of the whole of this tapestry, with source texts, maps, related images, and scholarly commentary. Edited by Martin K. Foys.

Parliament Rolls of Medieval England

Eight million words of transcription and translation of the parliament records of England from 1272 to 1504. Edited by Chris Given-Wilson et al.

Dante's Monarchia

Prue Shaw's acclaimed edited text and translation of Dante's remarkable treatise on political theory. Shaw's text is supported by full transcripts of the text of all twenty manuscripts and of the 1559 editio princeps, together with digital images of all pages, many of them newly made in high-resolution full colour. SDE 2006.


The Workspace for Collaborative Editing

Online transcription editor, interface to edit XML apparatus produced by CollateX, versional and patristic interfaces.


A program which uses XML tags to produce a digital replica from an electronic transcription.


A replacement for Anastasia: an XML publishing system ideal for creating an electronic edition of a text from XML transcriptions of manuscripts.