Inspiring and developing research talent

Our research culture recognises and rewards researchers and research-related staff, creating opportunities for skills development, career progression and celebrating achievements – regardless of career stage.

  • A researcher supporting a research student on her laptop

    Birmingham Academic Career Framework

    The Birmingham Academic Career Framework recognises the range of contributions academic staff make, including supporting the development of others. It comprises three core pathways: research and education, education and enterprise, and engagement and impact. Promotion criteria now include five separate contribution areas: Research, Education, Enterprise, Engagement and Impact, Leadership and Management and Citizenship.

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Recognising and celebrating talent

We acknowledge the contribution of all University staff to our world-leading research through internal recognition schemes, such as the Birmingham Professional Awards, the Technical Academy Awards and the Founders’ Awards.

We celebrate impactful research through the University’s Impact Awards and create a supportive research culture, with tailored support to embed impact from the earliest stages of research projects and to access funding that helps to propel your research to the next level.