The Centre brings together a wide range of scholars who have an interest in the study of war and conflict in all of its guises. Warfare, by its very nature, is an all-embracing subject and the approach encouraged within the Centre is therefore truly interdisciplinary with members of staff from the School of History and Cultures working closely with their colleagues in other departments.

The Centre is actively fostering research projects with other institutions across Europe and in the United States and Australia. As the Centre continues to expand, with the welcome addition of new colleagues, these links will grow. Colleagues within the Centre have already demonstrated their ability to bring in prestigious research grants as well as from less traditional sources such as the armed forces, industry and learned societies.

The Centre offers research supervision opportunities in a range of subject areas from post-doctoral through to the dissertation of our expanding range of taught MAs. We have introduced the MA in Military History by distance learning.

The Centre recognises the benefits of encouraging the widest possible engagement with society to adopt an informed attitude to the issues surrounding war and conflict and has a well established public education and knowledge transfer programme. We are also seeking to develop a range of seminar programmes and conferences to encourage our own staff and research student to interact with their colleagues from other institutions.