About the Tommy's National Centre for Miscarriage Research

We are the leading partner of the Tommy’s National Centre for Miscarriage Research, the largest miscarriage research centre in Europe.

As many as one in five pregnancies result in miscarriage, but while miscarriage is the biggest cause of pregnancy loss, it is also the least understood. Half of early miscarriages are a result of chromosomal problems, and half have an underlying cause that could be prevented. One in five women who miscarriage have anxiety levels similar to those seen in psychiatric outpatient services, with one in three women attending miscarriage clinics are clinically depressed.

Many families who have experienced miscarriage ask the same questions:

  • Why did it happen?
  • Will it happen again?
  • And can it be stopped?

We are working on finding the answers.

About 4% of the government’s health research budget was spent on ‘reproductive health and childbirth’; just a fraction went on miscarriage research. In collaboration with clinicians at Birmingham Women’s Hospital and around the country, and with support from Tommy’s, we pursue research studies aiming to save babies' lives by turning scientific discoveries into important tests and treatments. In collaboration with clinicians at Birmingham Women’s Hospital and around the country, we pursue research studies aiming to save babies' lives by turning scientific discoveries into important tests and treatments.

Tommy's National Centre for Miscarriage Research logo

Leading a national collaboration

Our National Centre for Miscarriage Research is directed from Birmingham by Professor Arri Coomarasamy but jointly hosted by three universities and four NHS hospitals in Birmingham, Coventry and London. Our partner institutions work closely with the University of Birmingham to ensure synergy and added value, whilst a vibrant programme of joint research meetings enables junior and senior colleagues to share disciplinary expertise and research news.


Our National Centre for Miscarriage Research has been brought into being by Tommy’s.

Jane Brewin, CEO of Tommy’s says: “Medical science doesn’t fully understand miscarriage which is why funding and research is so critical. Through pioneering medical research, Tommy’s clinicians will save babies’ lives by turning their discoveries into screening tests and treatments and launch clinics for pregnant women who are most at risk, giving them the latest improvements in care. They’ll share their work in national clinical guidelines, preventing miscarriages and developing better care across the country.

“Through the National Centre for Miscarriage Research we’ll raise the profile of miscarriage research, and encourage other organisations to invest and help break the silence around miscarriage. To help make it a priority for the government, the team will highlight the economic cost for the NHS. They are also growing and leading a network of specialists, and working closely with other Tommy’s centres and researchers across the UK and internationally.”

Other funders

Notwithstanding Tommy’s support, we also owe a debt of gratitude to the other public organisations and individuals who invest in our research, in addition to the University of Birmingham itself: