Members of CREES

The Centre for Russian, European and Eurasian Studies (CREES) encompasses a large network of scholars, some of whom belong to the core academic staff of the Centre, others are associate members (members of different Schools in the University of Birmingham), and many more are honorary members of the Centre.

Associate members of CREES


Honorary members of CREES

  • Mr David Adshead
  • Professor Gregory Andrusz, Emeritus Professor at Middlesex University Honorary Research Fellow, CREES
  • Dr Edwin T Bacon
  • Professor Mike Bradshaw
  • Sir Rodric Braithwaite, Honorary Professor
  • Dr Elena V Denezhkina
  • Linda Edmonson
  • Professor Mark Harrison, Honorary Senior Research Fellow
  • Professor Malcolm Hill, Professor Emeritus at Loughborough University Business School
  • Dr Paul Holtom, Honorary Research Fellow, Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI)
  • Professor Melanie Illic
  • Dr Argyro Kartsonaki
  • Dr Nino Kemoklidze
  • Professor Silvana Malle
  • Professor Maureen Perrie
  • Professor Hilary A Pilkington
  • Mr Mike Pushkin
  • Dr Bettina Renz, Lecturer in International Security, School of Politics & IR, University of Nottingham
  • Dr Erica Richardson, Research Fellow
  • Professor Richard Sakwa, Honorary Senior Research Fellow, Professor of Russian and European Politics at the University of Kent
  • Dr John N Westwood
  • Professor Steve G Wheatcroft
  • Dr Sarah Whitmore, Honorary Research Fellow