The impact of COVID-19 on predicted grades for 'A' Level students

The global outbreak of the COVID-19 virus has created new and challenging circumstances for schools, colleges and universities.
The recent announcement by the Department For Education to close all schools and colleges from 20 March resulted in a cancellation of all public exams. OFQUAL decided that students who were due to sit their GCSE and ‘A’ level exams would be awarded their predicted grades.
This project, which will run from 2020 to 2021, will explore the impact of such measure on ‘A’ level students. The main aims of the study are:
- To examine the impact (mental and academic) of predicted grades on ‘A’ level students.
- To explore support systems in place for such students and
- To analyse differences by race, class, gender and school type.
The project will focus on different types of schools and students will be recruited from a range of ethnic backgrounds and geographical locations. We will conduct a series of surveys and interviews with students.
For further details or if you are interested in participating in the study please contact: