Contemporary Theatre and Performance

Drama and Theatre Arts

Research in the department covers a range of practices of and approaches to contemporary performance, with a particular focus on the use of critical, philosophical and political theory.

Our work around contemporary theatre and performance covers a broad range of practices from across Europe and Britain. We engage in the critical, political and contextual analysis of various modes of theatrical and performance-based practices, including new writing; devised performance; music; digital technologies; immersive and participatory performance; European theatre since 1960; festivals and tourism; Performance Art and Live Art; and acting and directing methodologies.

Dr Gianna Bouchard

  • The medicalised body in performance
  • Anatomical dissection and bodily display as performance
  • Medical humanities
  • Politics of identity and performance
  • Contemporary theatre practice and critical theory
  • Live art performance and interdisciplinary practice

Dr Joanna Bucknall

  • Immersive, interactive and participatory performance practices
  • One-on-one performance
  • Practice research methodologies
  • Performance documentation
  • Performing heritage and legacy
  • Gamification and play in performance

Professor Adam J Ledger

  • Performance practice, especially acting/performer and directing methodologies
  • Devising
  • The Odin Teatret
  • Performance and the environment (especially climate change)
  • Practice research

Dr David Pattie

  • Samuel Beckett.
  • Contemporary British theatre and performance.
  • Performance and popular culture.

Dr Caroline Radcliffe

  • Victorian theatre
  • Performance practice (contemporary and historical)
  • Popular theatre and performance
  • All areas of theatre and music
  • Technologies and performance

Dr Ellen Redling

  • Contemporary socio-political drama (British and European)
  • Ancient Greek and Roman plays and their influence on British theatre
  • Medieval and Renaissance drama
  • Non-standard forms of contemporary drama and theatre
  • Drama and narration
  • Literary and cultural theory and networks
  • Ethics and drama
  • Post-postmodernism
  • Intermediality

Professor Graham Saunders

  • Harold Pinter
  • British alternative or fringe theatre
  • Contemporary Shakespeare
  • Arts Council
  • Samuel Beckett

Dr Rose Whyman

  • Russian actor training, particularly Stanislavsky, Michael Chekhov, Meyerhold
  • The history of Russian theatre of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries
  • The plays of Anton Chekhov
  • Actor-training and Alexander Technique