Publications in the Centre for Primary Care Improvement

Automated conflict resolution between multiple clinical pathways: A technology report I. Litchfield, C. Hoye, D. Shukla, R. Backman, A. Turner, M. Lee, P. Weber. J Innov Health Inform. 2018;25(3):142–148.

Can process mining automatically describe care pathways of patients with long-term conditions in UK primary care? A study protocol I. Litchfield, C. Hoye, D. Shukla, R. Backman, A. Turner, M. Lee, P. Weber. BMJ Open 2018;8:e019947. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2017-019947

Can rapid approaches to qualitative analysis deliver timely, valid findings to clinical leaders? A mixed methods study comparing rapid and thematic analysis Taylor B, Henshaw C, Litchfield I, Kenyon S, Greenfield S BMJ Open 2018;8:e019993. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2017-019993

The Impact of Status and Social Context on Health Service Co-Design: An Example from a Collaborative Improvement Initiative in UK Primary Care Litchfield I, Bentham L, Hill A, McManus RJ, Lilford R, Greenfield S BMC Med Res Methodol. 2018;18(1):136. Published 2018 Nov 16. doi:10.1186/s12874-018-0608-5

Influences on the adoption of patient safety innovation in primary care: A qualitative exploration of staff perspectives Litchfield I; Gill P; Avery A; Campbell S et al BMC Family Practice. BMC Family Practice. 2018;19:72. doi:10.1186/s12875-018-0761-2.

Adaption, implementation and evaluation of collaborative service improvements in the testing and result communication process in primary care from patient and staff perspectives: a qualitative study Litchfield IJ, Bentham, LM, Lilford RJ, McManus RJ, Hill A, Greenfield S BMC Health Services Research 2017 Aug 30;17(1):615

Patients' evaluations of patient safety in English general practices: a cross-sectional study. Ricci-Cabello I, Marsden KS, Avery AJ, Bell BG, Kadam UT, Reeves D, Slight SP, Perryman K, Barnett J, Litchfield I, Thomas S, Campbell SM, Doos L, Esmail A, Valderas JM. Br J Gen Pract. 2017 Jul;67(660):e474-e482.

Automated Conflict Detection Between Medical Care Pathways, P. Weber, J. B. F. Filho, B. Bordbar, M. Lee, I. Litchfield and R. Backman. Journal of Software: Evolution and Process, Special Issue: Software Engineering for Connected Health, October 2017

Patient perspectives on test result communication in primary care: a qualitative studyLitchfield IJ, Bentham L, Lilford RJ, Greenfield S. Br J Gen Pract 2015;March;65(632)118

Patients' perceptions and experiences of the prevention of hospital-acquired thrombosis: a qualitative study Apenteng PN, Fitzmaurice D, Litchfield I, et al BMJ Open 2016;6

Preliminary Assessment of the Role of Ambient Nitric Oxide Exposure in Hospitalization with Respiratory Syncytial Virus Mohammed, N. I., Everard, M. L., Ayres, J. G., Barker, N. J., & Litchfield, I. J. (2016). International journal of environmental research and public health, 13(6), 578.

Factors influencing the prevention of hospital acquired thrombosis: A primary care perspective Litchfield IJ, Fitzmaurice D, Apenteng P, Harrison S, Heneghan C, Ward A, Greenfield S, British Journal of General Practice 2016: 66: 421-422

Publications 2015-2018

Routine failures in the process for blood testing and the communication of results to patients in primary care: a qualitative exploration of patient and provider perspectives. Litchfield IJ, Bentham L, Hill A, Lilford RJ, McManus R, Greenfield S. BMJ Qual Saf. 2015 Nov;24(11):681-90.

Test result communication in primary care – a survey of current practice. Litchfield IJ, Bentham L, Lilford RJ, Hill A, McManus R Greenfield S. BMJ Qual Saf. 2015 Nov;24(11):691-9.

Patient perspectives on test result communication in primary care: a qualitative study Litchfield IJ, Bentham L, Hill A, Lilford RJ, McManus R, Greenfield S. Br J Gen Pract 2015;March;65(632)118

A Patient Safety Toolkit for Family Practices. Campbell SM, Bell BG, Marsden K, Spencer R, Kadam U, Perryman K, Rodgers S, Litchfield I, Reeves D, Chuter A, Doos L, Ricci-Cabello I, Gill P, Esmail A, Greenfield S, Slight S, Middleton K, Barnett J, Moore M, Valderas JM, Sheikh A, Avery AJ.  J Patient Saf. 2018 Feb 15.

Test result communication in primary care: clinical and office staff perspectives. Litchfield IJ, Bentham L, Lilford RJ, McManus R, Greenfield S.  Fam Pract. 2014; Oct;31(5):592-7.

A qualitative exploration of the motives behind the decision to order a liver function test in primary care. Litchfield IJ, Lilford RJ, Bentham LM, Greenfield SM.  Qual Prim Care. 2014 Aug;22(4):201-10.

Birmingham and Lambeth Liver Evaluation Testing Strategies (BALLETS): a prospective cohort study. Lilford RJ, Bentham L, Girling A, Litchfield IJ, Lancashire R, Armstrong D, Jones R, Marteau T, Neuberger J, Gill P, Cramb R, Olliff S, Arnold D, Khan K, Armstrong MJ, Houlihan DD, Newsome PN, Chilton PJ, Moons K, Altman D. Health Technol Assess. 2013 Jul;17(28): i-xiv, 1-307

Clinical and economic assessment of different general population strategies of pertussis vaccine booster regarding number of doses and age of application for reducing whooping cough disease burden: a systematic review.  Rodríguez-Cobo I, Chen YF, Olowokure B, Litchfield I. Vaccine. 2008 Dec 9;26(52):6768-76. doi: 10.1016/j.vaccine.2008.09.042. Epub 2008 Oct 7. Review

Op Ed

The future role of receptionists in primary care Litchfield IJ, Gale N, Burrows M, Greenfield S Br J Gen Pract 2017; 67 (664): 523-524Protocol papers. 

Clinical reminder alert fatigue in healthcare: a systematic literature review protocol using qualitative evidence. Backman R, Bayliss S, Moore D, Litchfield I. Systematic Reviews. 2017;6:255. doi:10.1186/s13643-017-0627-z.

Burrows M, Gale N, Greenfield S, Litchfield I. Exploring the clinically orientated roles of the general practice receptionist: a systematic review protocol. Systematic Reviews. 2017;6:209. doi:10.1186/s13643-017-0612-6.

Assessing the extent of drug interactions amongst patients with multimorbidity in primary and secondary care in the West Midlands (UK): A study protocol for the Mixed Methods Multimorbidity Study (MiMMS). R. Backman, P. Weber, A. M. Turner, M. G. Lee and I. Litchfield. BMJ Open, 7(9):e016713 (8 pages), 2017. 

A protocol for the use of process improvement methodologies to explore primary care receptionist work Litchfield I, Gale N, Burrows M, Greenfield S BMJ Open (2016);6

Conference proceedings

P. Weber, R. Backman, I. Litchfield and M. Lee. A Process Mining and Text Analysis Approach to Analyse the Extent of Polypharmacy in Medical Prescribing. Accepted to the 6th International Conference on Healthcare Informatics (ICHI 2018), New York, NY, USA, 2018.

I. Litchfield, A. Turner, R. Backman, P. Weber and M. Lee. Automated Conflict Resolution between multiple Clinical Pathways: An Aid for Family Practitioners, 45th North American Primary Care Research Group (NAPCRG) Annual Meeting, Montreal, Quebec, 2017 (Poster PDF).

Litchfield I et al Developing and improving a systems approach to diagnostic safety in primary care ISQua  London 2017

P. Weber, J. B. F. Filho, B. Bordbar, M. Lee, I. Litchfield and R. Backman. Automated Conflict Detection Between Medical Care Pathways, In N. Carroll, C.

Kuziemsky and I. Richardson (Eds.), Software Engineering for Connected Health (Journal First Session), Proc. International Conference on Software and System Process (ICSSP), Paris, France, 2017. (DOI, slides).

I. Litchfield, J. Bowles, B. Bordbar, A. Turner, R. Backman, P. Weber, M. Caminati and M. Lee. Automated Conflict Resolution between multiple Clinical Pathways: An Aid for Family Practitioners, 3rd West Midlands Health Informatics Network (WIN) Conference, Warwick, UK, 2017.