Accessing primary care

Traditionally the access of primary care began with informal discussions with administrative staff in general practice but with the increasing complexity of care and the growing pressure on general practice these processes are rapidly evolving. Digital platforms are being rolled-out to provide patients with direct access to health resources, new models of remote triage are being introduced and roles such as care navigators are being created. care navigation. However, little is known of the implications for patient outcomes, practice safety, staff well-being, and job satisfaction.

Theme Leads

Professor Shelia Greenfield                                              
Professor of Medical Sociology
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Dr Ian Litchfield
Research Fellow
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  • To understand the implications of the new models of primary care access for commissioners, primary care organisations and staff charged with new roles and whether there are measurable benefits to service provision.
  • We are also keen to explore the attitudes and experiences of patients, the impact on clinical outcomes, and patient satisfaction


  • Professor Sheila Greenfield, Professor of Medical Sociology, Department of Applied Health Sciences, College of Medicine and Health
  • Dr Ian Litchfield, Research Fellow, Department of Applied Health Sciences, College of Medicine and Health
  • Dr David Shukla, Clinical Research Fellow, Department of Applied Health Sciences, College of Medicine and Health



Professor Shelia Greenfield -