About the Centre for Primary Care Improvement

The Centre for Primary Care Improvement is designed to create practical learning that can make a timely difference to patient care. We are committed to the generation of knowledge that can be applied in real life situations and reliant on rigorous and credible assessment methods.

Our approach recognises contributions from a range of disciplines including the clinical, social, and computer sciences to deliver outputs that will enable local improvements and produce transferable knowledge valid across national and international settings.

The centre is led by Dr Ian Litchfield and Professor Tom Marshall

The centre aims to improve primary care within four key domains:

  1. Clinical effectiveness – Enabling the delivery of timely evidence-based treatment to the appropriate patients.
  2. Patient experience - Collaborating with patients to ensure providers deliver outcomes that matter.
  3. Service utilisation – Informing the optimal use of staff and facilities.
  4. Improve staff experience – Working with staff to develop mutually acceptable interventions and solutions.