Private Physiotherapy Clinic
Consultations for this clinic are on a one-to-one basis with one of our highly skilled and experienced resident physiotherapists who specialise in MSK health conditions.
An initial 60-minute consultation will be tailored to your specific needs with health conditions being confidentially, sympathetically and thoroughly assessed before a treatment plan is agreed.
During this initial assessment, your physiotherapist will conduct:
- Case history – This will include a thorough assessment of your health condition including your medical history and current physical abilities, pain levels and the specific circumstances of your injury or condition.
- Physical examination – We will assess your posture, movement, and physical capabilities which may include testing your flexibility, strength, balance, joint mobility, and other relevant physical characteristics.
- Diagnosis – The information you provide during this assessment along with the physical examination will help us to form a diagnosis.
- Treatment – We’ll talk through treatment options with you as a process of shared decision-making. A treatment plan will then be agreed which is likely to include follow-up appointments. Occasionally we are presented with a condition that requires treatment other than physiotherapy and in these circumstances, we will refer you on to other health professionals.
- Home Exercise Program – A personalised home exercise plan will be prepared for you. Feedback on how this exercise regime is helping relieve your injury or condition will be welcomed as part of your follow-up appointments.
- Open gym sessions - Clinical patients and those who have been discharged are welcome to join our Friday morning open gym sessions where exercise programs can be followed as well as taking full advantage of the range of (HUR) gym equipment available during the session. Staff and students will be in attendance to answer any questions and provide hints and tips on how to maximise the aims and objectives of the exercise program.
Pricing and Payments
Initial Consultation (60 minutes)
Standard £55.00 per session
Follow–up appointments (30 minutes )
Standard £40.00 per session
Open Gym Sessions
Standard £5.00 per session
We accept card or contactless payments, to be made at the end of each appointment. We do not accept cash payments.
Cancellation policy
Our time and availability are very important to us and our customers. If you have to change or cancel an appointment, please provide us with at least 24 hours notice by calling us on 0121 414 3224 or emailing us at
If you do not notify us of any changes before then, we may need to charge for the session in full.
If you have any queries regarding pricing or payments at Movewell Physiotherapy Clinic please email us:
To register for this service please complete the Private Physiotherapy Clinic self-referral form below after which a member of the MoveWell team will contact you to book an initial consultation.